Cam “The Black Man” Newton

Cam “The Black Man” Newton, in case anyone had any doubts, is a Black man. One could say that he is unapologetically a Black man.  Cam Newton was unmistakably a Black manchild, when he played little league baseball out of a DeKalb County, Georgia Park in a prominently Black community.

He was undoubtedly proud to wear the jersey of the Birmingham Black Barons to honor a team of Negro baseball players who played in a segregated league because Major League Baseball owners refused to permit Black baseball players to compete alongside white baseball players. read more

Cruz Should Pull a Cassius Clay

Tonight, if I were Ted Cruz, I would pull a Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) on Donald Trump. Since Trump has decided that he will skip tonight’s debate over what he perceives to be a slight by Fox News executives, I would take the fight to him.

Many, at least, in my generation, will recall that in the summer of 1963, Sonny Liston was the Heavyweight Champion of the World. The young brash Cassius Clay had defeated all of his opponents, but he could not get a championship fight with Liston. read more

Why I’m Watching GOP Debate

Tonight, I will watch the GOP Presidential Debate and here is why.

First, Donald J. Trump has voluntarily removed himself from this debate. He did so because of an ongoing dispute with the reporting style of Fox News Anchor Megyn Kelly. I don’t have a dog, so to speak, in this fight, but it seems to me, that Kelly is unfairly being targeted by Trump. read more

Trump’s Temper Tantrum

Donald Trump’s latest temper tantrum has the world, again, on a string. Seemingly, the public is either mesmerized, antagonised or paralyzed by the inhale and exhale of his every breathe.  Like the masterful puppeteer that he is, Trump’s latest meltdown is dominating the airwaves.

Trump’s current conniption boils down to his disdain for Fox News Anchor, Megyn Kelly. Kelly, if anyone cares to recall, during the first Republican Debate, went after Trump’s unflattering language towards women. Specifically, Trump’s diatribe which he hurled at Rosie O’Donnell several years ago. read more

Sanders War on Billionaires

Billionaires have come under attack in the 2016 Presidential Election. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-V), a long-standing Independent is running in the Democratic Primary. He has single-handedly taken on the wealthiest Americans and vicariously billionaires in other parts of the world as well.

His case for the voter’s trust in this year’s election is based upon dismantling a political economy in America where one percent of the population (billionaires) own more wealth than the bottom ninety-nine percent. read more

Hillary Feeling the Bern

Hillary Clinton is feeling the” Bern.” It is getting hot in the Democratic Primary fight for President. Hillary has turned to her daughter Chelsea and husband Bill to launch attacks on the political candidacy of Bernie Sanders.

This week a New York Times/CBS poll has Hillary Clinton leading Sanders by only seven points. (48-41 percent). Just one month ago, Hillary Clinton led Bernie Sanders by 20 percentage points. Interestingly, this poll has Sanders leading Clinton 2-to-1 in the 45 year old and under age category. read more

Sanders Seeks Black College Vote

The Black college vote is crucial to Bernie Sanders  in his quest to win the Democratic Presidential Primary.

“We are not leaving any votes on the table,” said Symone D. Sanders, the 25 year-old National Press Secretary for the Sanders campaign. Ms. Sanders, no relation to the candidate, said that “no other campaign has a similar initiative on Black college campuses.” read more

Ted Cruz Birther Flap

Ted Cruz is embroiled a Birther flap he wishes would go away.

Four years ago, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) sat back and watched his father, Rafael Cruz, rise in the ranks of the “Birther Movement.” Rafael Cruz regularly urged Republican Tea Party members to challenge President Barack Obama’s qualifications to be President of the United States of America. read more

Cosby Memories Pre-Scandal

Over the years, I have two vivid personal Cosby memories pre-scandal. One was an in-person encounter with Dr. William “Bill” Cosby at an audition for a pilot show he had in the works. This audition took place in the Peachtree Center Towers in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. It occurred sometimes in the early 1990s; probably 1991 or ’92. I wrote a blog post about this meeting yesterday (ttp:// read more

Camille Scores Victory for Cosby

Camille Cosby just scored a victory for her beleaguered husband, Bill Cosby. He has been inundated with accusations of sexual misconduct by several women. The allegations in some cases date back to 1968.

Camille Cosby has been by the side of her man Bill since she turned 19 years old in 1964.The same year the couple married. read more