Day: January 5, 2016

Camille Scores Victory for Cosby

By Michael January 5, 2016 Off

Camille Cosby just scored a victory for her beleaguered husband, Bill Cosby. He has been inundated with accusations of sexual misconduct by several women. The allegations in some cases date back to 1968.

Camille Cosby has been by the side of her man Bill since she turned 19 years old in 1964.The same year the couple married. read more

My Audition For a Cosby Show

By Michael January 5, 2016 Off

“Hey HMH,” my paralegal said one afternoon in the early 1990s, “Bill Cosby is auditioning for a new  show in our building next week. You should sign up for an audition.”

“Yaa,” my secretary said, “you are always telling us stories every time we mess up something. You would be good for this.” read more