I Don’t Trust Many of The Polls

I don’t trust the polls. As much as I would like to, I don’t trust the polls. I am finding it hard to believe what the data is saying. I simply don’t trust the polls.

One of the reasons I am having a hard time believing this data is because so many journalists, 96 percent of them, made campaign contributions to one candidate, Hillary Clinton, out of the four potential winners. read more

Assange October Surprise No Surprise At All

I stayed up all night to make sure I did not miss the October Surprise. I am not sure if it was a smart thing to do. Nevertheless, here I am up to see if Julian Assange pull a rabbit out of a hat. Many conservatives think if  Assange does, it will be the end of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

I am not sure if this is a logical inference that can be drawn given the fact conspiracy theorists think that the Clintons can fix any election and remove any irritant out of their way. read more

Is Clinton Or Stein Eligible To Be President?

Here we go again? Now that the birther issue has finally been put to bed by Donald Trump, a new constitutional question arises concerning eligibility to serve as President of the United States. This election cycle the issue of eligibility does not center on citizenship, but on sex.

Albeit, this specter is raised only by this writer, but it is not too far-fetched to imagine that Donald Trump, should he lose the 2016 General Election, would raise this question. After all he spent six years and good money investigating where the first American president of African descent was born in an attempt, not to delegitimize the Barack Obama presidency, but to have cause to remove him from office. read more

What If Hillary Really Is Sick?

What if Hillary Rodham Clinton really is  sick? What then? Is there a plan B?

Normally, a person diagnosed with pneumonia is still feeling the weaken effects of the disease six days after the diagnosis. Yet six days after she was diagnosed and four days after she stumbled during the 9-1-1 Observance on Sunday in New York City, Clinton was back on the campaign trail. She had a full day of activities Thursday, September 15, 2016. read more

Jill Stein Poised To Win Or Spoil It!

Jill Stein is poised to spoil or win the 2016 election for president of the United States. Last week Stein’s campaign released data showing that she has successfully gained access to 37 of the nation’s 50 state ballots.

Ballot access is automatically given to the nominees of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. In order for an Independent or other political party to be listed on the ballot in each of the states, they must secure a predetermined number of signatures on a petition requesting to be placed on the ballot. read more

Jill Stein Calls For Tax Cuts For Workers

During election season, a political slogan is  frequently heard:”Tax cuts for the wealthy!”It usually is met with disdain, as one opponent accuses the other of favoring tax breaks for the rich.

This political season, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, has a tax plan that changes that refrain to “tax cuts for the workers!” read more

Berners File Class Action Against DNC

Berners, progressive Independent,  who supported Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) in his quest for the 2016 Democratic nomination for president, have filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The suit comes after Berners learned through documents obtained by WikiLeaks that the DNC did not maintain a neutral posture during its primary process. Instead the WikiLeaks material tends to indicate that the DNC pushed the campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. read more

No Convention Bounce For Trump

Donald J. Trump did not receive a convention bounce; nada, zilch, nothing!

Usually, a presidential candidate can expect to receive a bounce in the polls coming out of their national nominating convention. But there was nary a blip for Trump following the conclusion of his first Republican Convention.

Any bounce Trump may have received would have been short lived as the Democratic National Committee’s nominating convention will gear up in a few days. Trump should be happy without any bounce. After all his convention got off to a rocky start when his wife Melania misstepped on opening night. She delivered several lines, nearly verbatim, from Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention speech at the Democratic National Committee convention. read more

Trump Too Reckless Clinton Too Careless

Donald J. Trump is too reckless and Hillary Clinton is too careless. What is the American voter to do in November?

Now that the Inspector General, the FBI and the Justice Department have completed their exhaustive investigations into Hillary Clinton’s usage of a private email server and other electronic devices the field is finally set for the 2016 Presidential race. read more

Hillary Clinton Not Out Of The Woods Yet

Hillary Clinton is not out of the woods yet. Although the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) concluded its investigation into her use of a private email server without recommending criminal charges, the issue is not settled.

There remains a review of the FBI’s investigative file by attorneys in the Justice Department. As I reported in a blog post yesterday, former United States Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, Sally Q. Yates, finds herself “in the middle of Emailgate.” Yates, essentially is a career, apolitical, nuts and bolts federal prosecutor. read more