Cam “The Black Man” Newton, in case anyone had any doubts, is a Black man. One could say that he is unapologetically a Black man. Cam Newton was unmistakably a Black manchild, when he played little league baseball out of a DeKalb County, Georgia Park in a prominently Black community.
He was undoubtedly proud to wear the jersey of the Birmingham Black Barons to honor a team of Negro baseball players who played in a segregated league because Major League Baseball owners refused to permit Black baseball players to compete alongside white baseball players.
The 26 year-old Newton was definitely a Black student in the predominantly Black West Lake High School in College Park, Georgia, where he learned the quarterback skills he now displays on Sunday afternoons.
Hardly anyone believe that Newton was anything other than a Black young man when he was run through the campus judicial system at Florida State University. I’m willing to bet 9 will get you 10, that everybody knew Newton was a Black quarterback when Alabama Alums ran Cam and his dad through the ringer over the methods Auburn used to recruit him.
There was no question when Newton accepted the Heisman Trophy in 2011 that he was a Black man on the brink of making a whole lot of money.
I had not paid much attention to Cam Newton prior to an October 2012 football game between the Carolina Panthers and the Atlanta Falcons. I had been aware of his exploits as a budding little league baseball player and of his prowess as the quarterback at West Lake High. I dismissed the rumors that he had stolen a computer at Florida State.
The allegations smelled a bit fishy to me. After all, Newton’s dad was a well respected minister of the gospel in the metropolitan Atlanta area. He came from a middle class home and would not have a need to steal an electronic device.
Also, I dismissed the Auburn allegations involving his dad and the recruitment of Newton. I know how easy it is to get people to believe the worst when you toss in the possibility that a Black man is the culprit. Essentially, I believed that Newton did not deserve the bad rap he was getting, but he was not on my radar as a person that we would be hearing more from at a later time.
On this particular Sunday afternoon in 2012, I was in Naples, Florida working as a Precinct Captain for the reelection of President Barack Obama. My precinct office was in the home of a white family who had in previous elections voted Republican. However, they had a grandchild who had contracted cancer. The family at the beginning of this century had lived a life slightly above middle-class.
By 2012, they like most Americans, had seen their income and savings evaporate as a result of the George Walker Bush economic meltdown in 2008. The family was unable to obtain insurance to properly care for this grandchild because of the pre-existing condition rule followed by all insurance companies prior to the Affordable Care Act.
Before his death, the grandchild had made the grandmother promise, that she would support President Obama, because he had done the research and found the only way for him and others in his situation to obtain the health insurance they needed was for the implementation of ObamaCare.
For this reason, they opened their home to me to use as a satellite office. They fed me well and often threatened to sic their huge German Shepherd dogs on me, if I did not show the proper respect for their home, whatever, that meant. I took it to mean that I may be working to reelect the President of the United States, but I was indeed a Black man in their eyes.
On this particular Sunday afternoon in October the television was turned to the Carolina vs Atlanta game. Newton was working his trade, throwing bombs, scrambling, dancing and prancing, or as the kids say, doing the “dab.”
Suddenly, the white woman of the house exclaimed, “I hate him! I just hate him!”
“Why,” I asked?
“I hate him,” she bellowed, blood rushing to fill up her cheeks, eyes bulging!
“Why, what is it about him, I queried?
“I just hate him,” she said emphatically!
“What did he do,” quizzically I asked, while focusing on the television screen to see if I could discern what had caused her outburst?
“I just don’t like him,” she intoned in a white woman’s snarl.
At that moment, I had no doubt that in the mind of this white lady, Cam “The Black Man” Newton was indeed a Black man playing quarterback on a high level in the National Football League. And those taunts about sicing the dogs on me were a real possibility. After all, I sauntered in a bold intellectual “dab,” like the free Black man that I am, throughout a white household, where the dogs had been trained to attack Black men who approached the premises.
As Black men we have to perform our jobs expertly in spite of the hatred that is hurled at us, usually behind our backs, by white people. At the end of the day, like Newton, I had a job to do in Naples, Florida, and that was to improve Obama’s vote total in Collier County, Florida from the eight percent he received in 2008 to ten percent. Mission accomplished, I flew out of town. I’m awaiting Newton’s performance next weekend.
So when Newton told reporters during his weekly media session at Bank of America Stadium., “I’m an African-American quarterback that may scare a lot of people because they haven’t seen nothing they can compare me to,” he spoke nothing but the truth, about how white Americans , some of whom he has never met, feel about him.
I applaud Newton’s unflinching declaration that he is a Black man playing a white man’s position better than anyone (Black or White) has played it up to this time. Given Newton’s cultural upbringing, why should he sublimate his identity just because he will quarterback his team in Super Bowl 50? Why should he pretend that America is a post-racial country and that white people are not afraid of black men whether they flaunt a “dab” or no “dab?”
Perhaps, race relations would improve for the better, if more black athletes, entertainers and politicians were as unapologetically Black as Cam Newton.
Harold Michael Harvey is an American novelist and essayist, the author of Paper puzzle and Justice in the Round. He can be contacted at haroldmichaelharvey.com
Great Article, Michael. My son and his family have lived in Charlotte for 12 years. My grandsons (ages 10 & 8) love Cam Newton. I have been watching his career at Carolina from the beginning. I have also been reading comments in various mediums regarding Cam being a “thug” or “having no class”. I was not surprised at any of this due to the exact concepts you discussed in this article. I really like how Cam Newton put the issue out front on the FIRST day that the Panthers players met with the Media. That is the way to handle them: put the words “African American” and “scared” right out there. Don’t beat around the bush with innuendo and BS code words.
Love it!!!
Thanks, Connie. I’m just trying to keep it real. Newton is a fine young man. He is doing a good job on and off the field and that is about as much as we can expect from a rich
young man.
Thank you so very much for this article! I have been expressing my opinion about both of the last two games that Mr. Newton played not being on NFL Replay, while the other games that were played that day repeated over and over. I have been very disturbed about the way white sportscasters only talk about ways the Broncos, Paton Manning in particular, should go about beating Carolina: but don’t even entertain the possibility that Mr. Newton might end up beating….no pounding the Broncos. They refuse to acknowledge Cam’s greatness and are all to obvious about their preferences. Thank you for calling it what it is: white male fear of a big Black man who is smart, able, and has already beat their best hope. Something like the continuing hate we see heaped upon our current President. Like those who say Black people should “just get over it” when it comes to racism and continued disenfranchisement: I say “Get Over It”! Black men are brilliant, capable, present and don’t have to be afraid to be who they are because you fear them.
You are right on target. I especially like your conclusion: “Black men are brilliant, capable, present and don’t have to be afraid to be who they are because you fear them.”
Mr Harvey,
This is a great blog. You have already received my remarks but I will say that racism in this country used to be a problem for blacks.I argue that its now a white man’s problem.Cam has changed the paradigm when it comes to the black quarterback.And he now is using his bully pulpit(super bowl) to force our society to deal with race in the context of a great black athlete whose not afraid to celebrate his blackness while also being the best player on the field.His skills sets are far superior than what fans are accustom to seeing from that position and his athletic arrogance is the reason why most white people don’t like him.Just like the slave who wanted to be educated, that puts him in the “uppidity” category when it comes to his on field bravado..In other words, the good ole boys club is saying we let you play but we can’t accept the fact that you are great and made it to a Superbowl being a “black” quarterback. So Cam has set the tone for all conscious athletes who dare to be African American and great inspite of racist backlash and animosity.
Thank you for the compliment and for sharing your thoughts on my blog.
Best article yet. My son was going to Auburn, and he loved some Cam Newton.
Nothing wrong with taunting your opponent with a little Super Man Dance.
I like Peyton too, a Louisiana Boy.
Nevertheless the Brilliants of Football that God give Cam can’t and want be taken.
I hope he has a good Mentor though. Maybe he need, Tony Dungee. Look what they did to one of the best Black Quarterbacks I have ever seen prior to Cam. Sent him to prison for his cousin, Dog Fighting. I am so sick of Racism by white folks who say they’re not racist.
Cam has to be smart and surround himself with people like Venus and Serena.
Talk about a family that the White media couldnt shake or break.
Thanks for the compliment Ms. Smith. You make a good point about Cam needing to surround himself with good people. I hope he is. He seems to be making all the right moves off the field. Also, I agree with you about the Williams family. They have stayed together for several decades. The fact that two sisters at times had to compete against each other was enough of a conflict that would have torn many families apart. Cam has a good supporting family. His father is a strong religious leader and I am sure providing Cam with good advice when he needs it. It all starts with a strong father in the family. The Williams sisters have one and so does Cam.