Trump Rescinds Fifty-Year-Old Civil Rights Order

Will America Return to a Majority White Male Workforce?

President Trump’s decision to rescind Executive Order 11246, initially signed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson in September 1965, has significant implications for the ability of Black, Asian, and immigrant individuals to receive fair consideration for jobs in the federal government. This executive order was a cornerstone of affirmative action policies, promoting equal employment opportunities and preventing discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. read more

Impact of Trump Pardons on US Justice System

Can the American Criminal Justice System Survive?

President Trump’s recent pardons of individuals involved in the January 6th Capitol riot have sparked significant debate and concern regarding their impact on the American criminal justice system. These pardons, granted to over 1,500 individuals, including those convicted of violent acts against law enforcement, have profound implications for the rule of law and the perception of justice in the United States. read more

Impeached President Fermenting Insurrection Throughout the Country

Calls Black Prosecutors in New York and Atlanta Racist

The twice impeached President is at it again. Last year on January 6, 2021, angry he lost after one term, he incited a mob to storm the United States Congress and placed the lives of Vice President Mike Pence and incoming Vice President Kamala Harris in danger.

This year the angry White man is at it again. During a political rally in Texas on January 29, 2022, the dishonored President incited his followers to stage “the biggest protest we have ever had if they do anything wrong or illegal.” This diatribe is an apparent reference to his and his businesses’ civil and criminal investigations in New York and the criminal investigation underway in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia. read more

Supreme Court Slams The Door in Trump’s Face

About the only way I can say it: The Supreme Court slammed the door in Trump’s face last week when it decided 9–0 to dismiss a complaint filed by the Attorney General of Texas against the election procedures of four other American states.

The Court shut the door so hard it ended all legal avenues for Trump’s campaign to overturn the people’s will and take the election victory away from Joe Biden and hand-deliver it to Trump. read more

Another October Suprise in the Making

After Sunday’s update from doctors at Walter Reed, I can only conclude:

It looks like 45 pulled off the great hoax by feigning positive tests to get the experimental drugs fast-tracked to meet his before election projections for a vaccine.

Will he pull off this fake news?

We will watch and report.

Harold Michael Harvey is the Living Now 2020 Bronze Medal winner in the category of male memoir for his memoir Freaknik LawyerA Memoir on the Craft of Resistance. He is a Past President of the Gate City Bar Association. He is the recipient of Gate City’s REThomas Civil Rights Award, which he received for his pro bono representation of Black college students arrested during Freaknik celebrations in the mid to late 1990s. An avid public speaker, contact him at [email protected]. read more

October Surprises or Will Other Leaves Fall?

Things are happening so rapidly in the world of Presidential politics that it seems a couple of years passed last week. I will touch on three recent events:

First, the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg left the Supreme Court’s delicate liberal-conservative balance in flux. This unexpected opening on the Supreme Court is like having a joker in a game of cards to suddenly pop up giving the holder more flexibility. read more

Now Conservatives See Who’s in Their Political Bed

Finally, the big reveal has come to conservative Americans. Protesters in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida marched over the weekend to voice their opposition to shelter in place measures designed to flatten the curve of Coronavirus 2019 incidences in the country.

The demonstrators took to the streets at the urging of Donald Trump, the titular head of the Republican Party, and the current occupant of the White House. In recent tweets, Trump encouraged his base supporters to invade the streets of American and demand Democratic governors to open up their states for business. read more

Short Pandemic Note #14: “Debt Before the Dead”

On the eighth day of the President’s 14-day national social distancing scheme to combat the spread of Covid-19, Carmen Yulin Cruz, Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, blasted Trump for his handling of the deadly outbreak of the Coronavirus.

“He puts the debt before the dead,” Cruz told The Hill, referring to Trump’s handling of hurricanes Irma and Maria, which swept through the island in 2017. read more

A Short Note on the Pandemic #11

On the fourth Sunday, March 22, 2020, many mega-churches worshipped remotely. Some still defied the laws of man and gathered in their solemn sanctuaries to receive the bread of life.

Towards the end of the day, the national leader trotted out the administrative team working to contain and combat the coronavirus attacking the country from coast to coast. The leader wasting very little time, got to the heart of his management of this crisis. read more