EDITOR’S NOTE: “The Second Amendment Villain” was originally published on December 9, 2012 in Allvoice.Com. It was subtitled “From Kennedy to Sandy Hook.” In light of last week’s shooting rampage on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Rosebud, Oregon, I thought it appropriate to republish this perspective of gun violence in America.
Author Archives: Michael
If Francis Can Why Not Farrakhan?
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, (CASCADE PRESS) According to confidential sources, Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam is seeking a Pope Francis type audience with the United States Congress. Sources tell Cascade Press, that Farrakhan has asked members of the Congressional Black Caucus to arrange an address before a joint session of Congress similar to the addresses given by Benjamin Netanyahu on March 3 and Pope Francis last week.
The Homily on Capital Hill
A little over two Thousand years ago, the Messiah delivered a sermon (homily) on a mountain near the Sea of Galilee and Capernaum, a fishing town on the northern shore of Galilee, where scripture records, that the Messiah could not perform a single miracle, because of the unbelief of the people.
This sermon or homily of Christ has become known as the Beatitudes after the name of the mountain that he most likely spoke atop. In this homily, Jesus, known to the people of Capernaum, as the son of Joseph, spoke to the multitudes. His enunciation that day was a simple and clear prescription on how to apply the old Mosaic law to contemporary Jewish life.
Justice Talk Sparked Memories
Last night’s Justice and Race Town Hall talk sparked several memories. The talk on justice and race was an unqualified success with respect to content. In terms of turn out, it did not bring together anywhere near the 5,000 people that Aurille Lucier, a 20 year old spoken word artist, convinced to show up as a result of one tweet asking for ten people to come out and occupy Interstate 20 in downtown Atlanta last fall.
Restaurant Town Hall Starts Tonight
WHO: Harold Michael Harvey, author/journalist
Lt. Spann Was A Change Agent
CARROLLTON, TEXAS, CASCADE PRESS (CP) Lieutenant Calvin J. Spann was a change agent. Spann did not set out to become a change agent. As a teenager growing up in Rutherford, New Jersey in the 1930s, he just wanted to fly airplanes. Little did he know his dream of becoming a pilot would change the course of a war. The winds of which were beginning to stir in Europe, or that his dream would lead to wider acceptance of black Americans by their government.
Did Trump Get Snookered?
Did Donald Trump get Snookered? Did the Grand Old Party snooker the king deal maker? Was Trump snookered into signing a pledge that he would not seek an independent run for president if he did not receive the Republican Party nomination?
Now that we are past Labor Day and are rushing headlong into the 2016 presidential election cycle, it is time to analyse the GOP preseason. Their preseason, as a result of Trump crashing their party, comes down to the above questions. After all, much of the attention in the Republican battle to take back the country from the Democrats has centered on the enormous air that Trump sucked out of the Republican tent.
Lt. Spann Smart Tuskegee Airmen
Second Lieutenant Calvin J. Spann was a smart Tuskegee Airman. During the second World War, he was arguably, the United States’ smartest Airman, Tuskegee or otherwise. He did not set out to become a Tuskegee Airman. Spann simply wanted to fly fighter jets. At the age of 17 he was attending high school in New Jersey. He learned that the Army had a written examination for pilots.
Amelia: Defender of the Vote
Amelia Boynton Robinson, “Queen Mother” to those close to her, was the perpetual defender of the Negro vote. She transitioned on August 26, 2015, eight days after her 111th birthday.
Amelia learned the importance of voting from her parents George and Annie Platts. Her father was a businessman in Savannah, Georgia. He owned a lumber company, built an eleven room house for his family – which still stands today – and owned one of the few automobiles on the Savannah roadway in the early 1900’s. He would have owned two automobiles, but Amelia’s mother did not want to learn to drive a car, so he bought her a horse and buggy to get around Savannah.
Set The Captives Free, Hillary
Set the captives free, Hillary. If you sincerely get what the #BlackLivesMatter group from Massachusetts had to say about the original American sin transitioning black Americans from chattel slavery on a plantation to penal slavery in federal and state penitentiaries; then set the captives free.
Set the captives free on day one of your administration. Just like your husband wasted no time in fulfilling a pledge to the LGBT community and issued an executive order, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” on day one of his administration; you can with one stroke of your pen, set the captives free.