Minister Louis Farrakhan, spiritual leader of the Nation of Islam, during the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March dubbed “Justice or Else,” announced plans to demonstrate in front of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia on October 24.
March organizers are seeking a 25,000 person march comprised of people from states surrounding Georgia. The March on the CDC is to bring attention to allegations that the CDC participated in the development of a vaccine that allegedly is designed to “destroy black male children.”
The vaccine in question is known as the MMR vaccine. It is made from the drug Thimerosal, whose is a mercury-based preservative that is found in most common flu vaccines. Critics of the drug claim that the MMR vaccine induces autism in black males at a rate nearly 200 times that of white male children. These claims came to light when Dr. William Thompson, an employee at the CDC, released a report apologizing for the CDC’s role in covering up the true effects of the drug.
Thompson’s report got the attention of Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr., an American radio host, environmental activist, author, attorney specializing in environmental law and the son of former Attorney General, the late Bobby Kennedy.
Kennedy sought to obtain information from the CDC and to have legislation introduced in congress to find out about the effect of MMR on black male children. When he ran into a brick wall he took his information to Farrakhan, who is rapidly becoming the chief spokesperson for issues affecting the African American community.

Photo Credits: (c) 2012 Harold Michael Harvey
According to Emmy Awarding winning journalist, Maynard Eaton, joining Farrakhan in leading this march will be Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley, an influential Atlanta civic and spiritual leader.
“It is a silent killer that disproportionately impacts black children,” said Dr. Durley. “Our major goal is to have congressional hearings on this issue and put the pharmaceutical companies on Front Street,” Eaton reported in the Saporta Report.
Farrakhan promised at the “Justice or Else” march that his group would actively attack issues confronting the African American community. This march will be the first initiative to come out of the 20th anniversary observance. In the past, Farrakhan has held peaceful demonstrations. There were no reports of arrests or violence at either the 20th anniversary march or the original Million Man March.
Harold Michael Harvey is an American novelist and essayist, the author of Paper puzzle and Justice in the Round. He can be contacted at haroldmichaelharvey.com .
I’m very interested in this because the “additive” Thimerosal (sp) was found to contain what was considered to be too much mercury considering the fact that children and infants generally receive more than one immunization at a time. Manufacturers began producing Thimerosal -free vaccines more than 10 years ago, if I remember correctly. Not sure if MMR was one of them though. And I have not heard of the disproportionate ill effects on Black children. I will need to see if I can find the report that is mentioned in your article.
I’m not sure why Robert Kennedy thinks there is a link to problems experienced by black children who are given this vaccine, but I plan to attend the news conference on October 24 and put my questions on the subject to him. Thanks for catching the typo.
we need to see more black and brown families who have been affected by the vaccines, this is going to be difficult due to the fact that in my opinion a large number are living at or below the poverty levels. Must send children to public schools, unaware about the waiver. I believe that we should attempt to locate this community, off the top of my head i know two parents with autistic male children both are teenagers. just a thought
I agree with you.