They Done Made America White Again

They done made America white again. Yep. He did it. Donald J. Trump just made America white again. It really does not come as a surprise to anyone that Donald J. Trump would surround himself with lily white faces.

But to see the smackdown live and in living achromic color shocks the senses into the comprehension of the reality show that will run the next four years. America, after all is said and done is a majority white country. read more

Democrats Take Center Stage

Finally, Democrats are poised to take center stage in their quest to hold onto the oval office for another four year term. By law, President Obama is prohibited from seeking a third term. On Tuesday, the Democrats will host their first of four debates in the 2016 presidential campaign season. It will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada. CNN will provide a two hour coverage of this debate. It will be moderated by Anderson Cooper, who will be assisted by Dana Bash, Juan Carlos Lopez and Don Lemon. read more

Ben Carson Real Black President?

“Ben Carson,” billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch tweeted last night, “would be a real black president.”

In 2008, following the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the USA, I floated the idea that black presidents in the American political system will come from Americanized Africans like a drum beat and become a commonplace fixture in presidential politics. read more

Did Trump Get Snookered?

Did Donald Trump get Snookered? Did the Grand Old Party snooker the king deal maker? Was Trump snookered into signing a pledge that he would not seek an independent run for president if he did not receive the Republican Party nomination?

Now that we are past Labor Day and are rushing headlong into the 2016 presidential election cycle, it is time to analyse the GOP preseason. Their preseason, as a result of Trump crashing their party, comes down to the above questions. After all, much of the attention in the Republican battle to take back the country from the Democrats has centered on the enormous air that Trump sucked out of the Republican tent. read more