Another October Suprise in the Making

After Sunday’s update from doctors at Walter Reed, I can only conclude:

It looks like 45 pulled off the great hoax by feigning positive tests to get the experimental drugs fast-tracked to meet his before election projections for a vaccine.

Will he pull off this fake news?

We will watch and report.

Harold Michael Harvey is the Living Now 2020 Bronze Medal winner in the category of male memoir for his memoir Freaknik LawyerA Memoir on the Craft of Resistance. He is a Past President of the Gate City Bar Association. He is the recipient of Gate City’s REThomas Civil Rights Award, which he received for his pro bono representation of Black college students arrested during Freaknik celebrations in the mid to late 1990s. An avid public speaker, contact him at [email protected]. read more

October Surprises or Will Other Leaves Fall?

Things are happening so rapidly in the world of Presidential politics that it seems a couple of years passed last week. I will touch on three recent events:

First, the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg left the Supreme Court’s delicate liberal-conservative balance in flux. This unexpected opening on the Supreme Court is like having a joker in a game of cards to suddenly pop up giving the holder more flexibility. read more

Why the DNC Should Target Georgia

From 1868 to 1964, Georgia, the self-proclaimed peach state, voted Democratic in each Presidential election cycle. In 1968, Georgia broke with nearly a century of voting for Democratic Presidential candidates. That year, Georgia gave its ten electoral votes to American Independent Party candidate George C. Wallace. Then in 1972, Georgia sided with Republican Richard Nixon, before again giving the nod to a Democrat, native son, Jimmy Carter in 1976 and 1980. read more

Kenosha Sets Stage for November Election

Last month the sports world stopped business as usual for a moment to contemplate the latest Black life disregarded by a white police officer, following the shooting of Jacob Blake in the back by a Kenosha, Wisconsin cop. It seems each police encounter is more gruesome than the previous one.

I applaud NBA players who sat out a couple of games to protest this wave of police brutality that is sweeping the country. read more

John Lewis is Riding with Joe Biden: ‘I’ll Do Everything in my power.’

Congressman John Lewis (D) Georgia, the last surviving speaker from the 1963 March on Washington, gave the nod to former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming Georgia Presidential Preference Primary.

The Georgia primary was initially scheduled for March 24 but was pushed back to May 19, 2020, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Lewis’ announcement made it clear that he is riding with Biden clear into the November General Election. read more

Biden Toppled As Front Runner and Blacks Haven’t Voted Yet

In a recent national poll, former Vice President Joe Biden drops from atop the polls as the likely Democratic nominee, a front-runner no more.

Biden’s moderate approach to defeating impeached President Donald J. Trump displaced for the democratic socialist ideas of Senator Bernie Sanders and former New York Republican Mayor Mike Bloomberg. Former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg is waiting on the flank for Sanders and Bloomberg to falter. read more

Joe Biden Didn’t Suck As Bad As the Pundits Contend

I watched the debate from New Hampshire. Contrary to the television political pundits, I thought that Joe Biden had a great discussion about his views on the future of the country.

The future, after all, can not begin until Donald J. Trump is defeated. Biden made it clear that the goal of the 2020 campaign season is to defeat Trump. read more

We Are About to See If Joe Biden Has Grit

Six years ago, several draft Biden organizations sprang up around the country. These draft Biden movements encouraged the then Vice President to enter the Democratic race to replace his boss, President Barack Obama.

Biden would be a shoo-in many in the “Riding with Biden” movement thought. He was after all the Vice President for the first Black person elected President of the United States of America. read more

Is America Ready for a Gay First Family

Before former Vice President Joe Biden pushed President Barack Obama into coming out in favor of same-sex marriage, this was an unthinkable question.

Biden’s 2011 support for Gay marriage may be more of an impediment to his chances of winning the Democratic Primary in 2020 than any of the other issues raised about his four decades in public life read more