What Cruz Non Endorsement Mean?

Ted Cruz did not endorse Donald Trump during his speech before the National Republican Convention. He took the steam out of what was to have been a big night for Mike Pence, Trump’s selection for Vice President.

Did anyone expect him to endorse his primary opponent?

Perhaps not many given the nasty words hurled back and forth between the two men during a year long primary contest. However, GOP convention goers were probably hoping that Cruz would bury the hatchet and kiss the hand of the latest GOP Godfather. read more

Trump Too Reckless Clinton Too Careless

Donald J. Trump is too reckless and Hillary Clinton is too careless. What is the American voter to do in November?

Now that the Inspector General, the FBI and the Justice Department have completed their exhaustive investigations into Hillary Clinton’s usage of a private email server and other electronic devices the field is finally set for the 2016 Presidential race. read more

Sanders Chills Historic Night

Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders chills a historic night for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. Sanders told a cheering crowd in California that he will remain in the race for the Democratic nomination for President.The last primary contest will be held next week in the District of Columbia. Also, he said that he will take his fight for the nomination to the floor of the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia. read more

President Donald J. Trump

I have started this piece probably ten times or more. Each time the implausibility of a President Donald J. Trump administration has caused me to scrap my verbiage and start anew. Like many Americans who have lived their lives aspiring to the higher ideals of American democracy, the thought of four years or more of President Donald J. Trump sends me into a panic of disbelief. read more

Dag Bern Bernie Still In the Race

“Dag Bern it,” Bernie is still in the race!

After feeling confident that he would overcome a 48 percentage point deficit in the New York Primary (he was only able to shave 33 points from that lead), nevertheless, Sanders presses on in his race for the White House.

The media has written him off, but the dogged Vermont Independent, vows he can wrestle the Democratic nomination from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. read more

Van Jones Calls Out GOP On Civility

Van Jones, a commentator on CNN has had enough of the uncivil discourse in the Republican Presidential Debates. For the past two weeks during his commentary on CNN he has sought to steer media attention towards requiring more civility from the GOP Presidential candidates.

Seemingly, none of the producers at his network are listening. Why should they listen? Ratings are too good with all of the nasty name calling being hurled by the candidates at each other. read more

Ted Cruz Birther Flap

Ted Cruz is embroiled a Birther flap he wishes would go away.

Four years ago, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) sat back and watched his father, Rafael Cruz, rise in the ranks of the “Birther Movement.” Rafael Cruz regularly urged Republican Tea Party members to challenge President Barack Obama’s qualifications to be President of the United States of America. read more

Black Pastors deny Trump

Republican front runner, Donald Trump has apparently been snubbed by several prominent black pastors. He has been courting their support for several months. In October, we reported that Trump had a meeting with several black Evangelical pastors in Trump Towers back in September. This story was first reported in the  Conservative Tribune. read more