I Don’t Trust Many of The Polls

I don’t trust the polls. As much as I would like to, I don’t trust the polls. I am finding it hard to believe what the data is saying. I simply don’t trust the polls.

One of the reasons I am having a hard time believing this data is because so many journalists, 96 percent of them, made campaign contributions to one candidate, Hillary Clinton, out of the four potential winners. read more

What If Hillary Really Is Sick?

What if Hillary Rodham Clinton really is  sick? What then? Is there a plan B?

Normally, a person diagnosed with pneumonia is still feeling the weaken effects of the disease six days after the diagnosis. Yet six days after she was diagnosed and four days after she stumbled during the 9-1-1 Observance on Sunday in New York City, Clinton was back on the campaign trail. She had a full day of activities Thursday, September 15, 2016. read more

What Cruz Non Endorsement Mean?

Ted Cruz did not endorse Donald Trump during his speech before the National Republican Convention. He took the steam out of what was to have been a big night for Mike Pence, Trump’s selection for Vice President.

Did anyone expect him to endorse his primary opponent?

Perhaps not many given the nasty words hurled back and forth between the two men during a year long primary contest. However, GOP convention goers were probably hoping that Cruz would bury the hatchet and kiss the hand of the latest GOP Godfather. read more