Tag: Donald Trump

Trump Courting Black Preachers

By Michael October 9, 2015 Off

Donald Trump, a billionaire real estate mogul, is courting black preachers in his quest to become the 45th  president of the United States of America. Trump is the leading contender out of a field of sixteen men and women for the Republican Party nomination. He has been atop the Republican leader board since tossing his hat into the ring for the GOP nomination. Should Trump receive his party’s nomination, he will in all likelihood need a significant block of black voters to push him over the top. Black voters have not played a significant role in electing a Republican president since the Dwight David Eisenhower campaigns in 1952 and 1956. The last time the black vote was a solid Republican vote was in the failed campaign of Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon against Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1960. Kennedy received just enough of the black vote to etch out a close election victory. read more

Ben Carson Real Black President?

By Michael October 8, 2015 Off

“Ben Carson,” billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch tweeted last night, “would be a real black president.”

In 2008, following the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the USA, I floated the idea that black presidents in the American political system will come from Americanized Africans like a drum beat and become a commonplace fixture in presidential politics. read more

Donald Trump:Obnoxious Nuisance?

By Michael August 8, 2015 Off

To say that Donald Trump is an obnoxious nuisance is a trite and perhaps a politically incorrect thing to say. Nevertheless, it is probably true. Donald Trump, in the words of my eighth grade civic teacher Rev. Wilson, is” an obnoxious nuisance.”

Although, Rev. Wilson was referring to an avid young reader who asked probing questions that went beyond the best organized lesson plan, (as they say, it takes one to know one) the term obnoxious nuisance aptly applies to Trump’s bullying persona in a crowded Republican field; a field of contenders jockeying for elbow room in the Republican presidential preseason. read more