What’s Behind Brian Kemp’s Order Re-Opening Georgia

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp shook up the world, well at least the country, with his recent announcement that he was opening Georgia back up for business.

What is behind Kemp’s move. Georgia has not flattened the proverbial coronavirus curve.

Why open Georgia up now?

First, to answer this question, we have to take a look at the type of businesses Kemp fails to give the green light to open its doors to the public. Banks, schools, and major manufacturing industries are to remain closed. This group of businesses represents the larger employers of middle-class workers in the state, workers with some form of built-in safety net for hard times. read more

Pandemic Note #16: “Don’t Be A Cutie-Pie, Okay?”

“Look,” the leader said to White House Correspondent Jon Karl, “don’t be a cutie-pie, okay?”

During the leader’s daily press briefing/campaign rally on March 27, 2020, Karl pressed the leader, “Look, can everyone who needs a ventilator get one?” Karl asked a fair question, given the nature of the administration’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. read more

Short Pandemic Note #14: “Debt Before the Dead”

On the eighth day of the President’s 14-day national social distancing scheme to combat the spread of Covid-19, Carmen Yulin Cruz, Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, blasted Trump for his handling of the deadly outbreak of the Coronavirus.

“He puts the debt before the dead,” Cruz told The Hill, referring to Trump’s handling of hurricanes Irma and Maria, which swept through the island in 2017. read more

A Short Note on the Pandemic #12

“The cost of the cure should not be more than the cost of the disease,” the confident leader of the western world said in his daily Coronavirus update on day 6 of the government’s recommendation to stay home for the next 14 days. In western medicine, the cost of the cure has always been higher than the price of the disease. Doctors view the objective is to keep the patient alive at all cost, especially when the patient has proper insurance. read more

A Short Note on the Pandemic #11

On the fourth Sunday, March 22, 2020, many mega-churches worshipped remotely. Some still defied the laws of man and gathered in their solemn sanctuaries to receive the bread of life.

Towards the end of the day, the national leader trotted out the administrative team working to contain and combat the coronavirus attacking the country from coast to coast. The leader wasting very little time, got to the heart of his management of this crisis. read more

A Short Note on the Pandemic #10

March 21, 2020, saw President Donald J. Trump’s approval rating in handling the pandemic move beyond fifty percent. In an NBC poll, 56 percent of Americans approve of the President’s management of the Corvid-19 pandemic. Again, his unique communication style has connected with a majority in the country, despite his inept handling of the most critical crises in American history. read more

A Short Note on the Pandemic #9

Yesterday, March 20, 2020, more people filed for unemployment benefits in the United States in the history of unemployment benefits. The stock market dropped another 900 points wiping out gains in the market since Donald J. Trump became President.

During his daily press conference at the noon hour, President Trump picked a fight with another journalist. This time he attacked Peter Alexander, a White House correspondent with NBC News. Alexander asked the President what he could say to assure Americans that the Corvid-19 outbreak was under control. read more

A Short Note on the Pandemic #4

The Democratic Presidential Debate held on March 15, 2020, featuring former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont, inspired more hope that America can manage the Coronovirus crisis than any of the administration’s press briefing of last week.

The only problem, neither of these two gentlemen will be in a position to take any action to resolve the spread of the pandemic and the social, medical, and economic impact of the Corvid-19 until noon, January 20, 2021. read more

A Short Note on the Pandemic #2

When President Donald Trump calls a reporter’s question “nasty,” know that nothing else that comes out of his mouth is the truth about the pandemic.

Harold Michael Harvey is the author of Freaknik LawyerA Memoir on the Craft of Resistance. He is a Past President of the Gate City Bar Association. He is the recipient of Gate City’s REThomas Civil Rights Award, which he received for his pro bono representation of Black college students arrested during Freaknik celebrations in the mid to late 1990s. An avid public speaker, contact him at hmharvey@haroldmichaelharvey.com. read more