Thoughts of Pandemic, Death, and Rebirth

Thoughts of Pandemic, Death, and Rebirth

H. Michael HarveySep 19 · 5 min read

In the closing days of 2019, my social media newsfeed was replete with comments from friends and strangers, near and far, lamenting how dastardly 2019 had been and excitingly looking forward to 2020. A clearer vision, they all proclaimed. While I looked forward to the dawn of 2020, I dismissed much of what I was reading on my computer screen. read more

Pandemic Note #17: Exponential Monthly Growth

While the leader of the free world makes plans to open parts of the country, if not all of the country, up for Easter Sunday church service, the US is number one in the world in Covid-19 cases.

The country is experiencing exponential growth in the number of deaths caused by the Coronavirus. In one month, the number of deaths went from 1to1000. In the last 48 hours, the total number of deaths double from 1000 to 2000. read more

Pandemic Note #16: “Don’t Be A Cutie-Pie, Okay?”

“Look,” the leader said to White House Correspondent Jon Karl, “don’t be a cutie-pie, okay?”

During the leader’s daily press briefing/campaign rally on March 27, 2020, Karl pressed the leader, “Look, can everyone who needs a ventilator get one?” Karl asked a fair question, given the nature of the administration’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. read more

Short Pandemic Note #15: “How Is Mike?”

On March 26, 2020, the great leader came before his subjects to report on the excellent job he is doing managing the life or death fight Americans face against Covid-19. An enterprising reporter for Bloomberg received permission to ask him a question.

Before the young African American could get his question out of his mouth, the leader inquired where did he work. read more

Short Pandemic Note #14: “Debt Before the Dead”

On the eighth day of the President’s 14-day national social distancing scheme to combat the spread of Covid-19, Carmen Yulin Cruz, Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, blasted Trump for his handling of the deadly outbreak of the Coronavirus.

“He puts the debt before the dead,” Cruz told The Hill, referring to Trump’s handling of hurricanes Irma and Maria, which swept through the island in 2017. read more

A Short Note on the Pandemic #12

“The cost of the cure should not be more than the cost of the disease,” the confident leader of the western world said in his daily Coronavirus update on day 6 of the government’s recommendation to stay home for the next 14 days. In western medicine, the cost of the cure has always been higher than the price of the disease. Doctors view the objective is to keep the patient alive at all cost, especially when the patient has proper insurance. read more

A Short Note on the Pandemic #11

On the fourth Sunday, March 22, 2020, many mega-churches worshipped remotely. Some still defied the laws of man and gathered in their solemn sanctuaries to receive the bread of life.

Towards the end of the day, the national leader trotted out the administrative team working to contain and combat the coronavirus attacking the country from coast to coast. The leader wasting very little time, got to the heart of his management of this crisis. read more

White Supremacists Discuss Weaponizing Coronavirus as Bioweapon

According to a story published by Yahoo News, federal law enforcement has documented discussions among white supremacists where they talked about using coronavirus as a bioweapon.

According to the documented discussions, any white supremacists who contact the coronavirus is duty-bound to spread the virus among law enforcement officers and “nonwhite” people. read more