Latest Ted Cruz Flap Points Out the Ignorance of Those Loudly Espousing Anti-Wokeness and the Impact this has on Black History

Dr. King Led SCLC, Not the NAACP

Recently, Senator Ted Cruz (Republican), Texas, decided to chime in on the travel advisory issued by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). He did so in a tweet that read in part:

“This is bizarre. And utterly dishonest. In the 1950s & 1960s, the NAACP did extraordinarily well in helping lead the civil rights movement. Today, Dr. King would be ashamed of how profoundly they’ve lost their way.” read more

Atlanta’s Moment of Decision

Reed A Strong Candidate for Atlanta Mayor

Kasim Reed, the son of a courageous civil rights worker, has a strong chin and a personality to match. People either love his matter of fact-ness, or they loath it. With Kasim, you know on which side of the issue he stands. He is for an idea, or he is against it. One thing is sure, his steadfastness, once locked in, is unmovable. read more

The Endearing Legacy of Tyrone Brooks

Bridging the Gap From Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter

In 1967, Rev. Hosea Williams, a trusted aide of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., introduced his 21-year-old protégé, Tyrone Brooks, to Dr. King, hoping to get King’s approval to hire the young man whom Williams was grooming for civil rights work. King told Williams that he did not do the hiring and firing at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The organization’s Vice President, Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, discharged those duties. read more

Rebecca King Just Woke Up Atlanta Mayor’s Race

Buckhead Activist Tosses Hat in the Ring

Eighteen days before qualifying starts in the 2021 race for Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, Buckhead activist Rebecca King woke up the heretofore dull mayoral contest. King, the Chief Executive Officer of Cover Your Assets, an insurance documentation business, announced she is entering the campaign to become the next mayor of Atlanta. read more

There Is No Justification for Ratifying Injustice

Zip it Mitch – Spare Us Another Lie

The novelist and social critic Norman Mailer once wrote, “You can be the best in the world and still lose.” Mailer uttered these profound words to lament his defeat in a race for the office of Mayor of New York City. His prodigious ego led him to believe he was the best candidate in the race. Perhaps history will give him the benefit of the doubt and adjudge Mailer the best novelist turned politician in that contest. read more

Republicanism Is Bad for American Democracy

Let’s face it. There are no two ways about it. Republicanism is terrible for American Democracy. Suppose the response of Republicans since January 6, 2021, indicates how current Republicans in the main feel about democracy in America. There is nothing in the historical record that suggests otherwise. In that case, it is safe to bet the farm on the demise of the much-heralded American democracy, for, without a doubt, democracy in America is on its last leg. read more

Are Armed Militias at Government Buildings Protected By Amendment II?

Amendment II of the US Constitution, generally referred to as the “Right to bear arms” amendment, is a concise one-sentence paragraph containing, one would presume under the circumstances, twenty-six carefully chosen words:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” read more

Let’s Face It — The Second Civil War Has Started

Let’s face the truth. The Second Civil War (CW2) just got underway. It had been brewing underground, in chat rooms, and on social media sites for much of this century. The first skirmish of CW2 started when insurgents, commanded by their Commander-in-Chief, the disgruntled sitting President of the USA, ordered them to march down to the capitol and stop the certification of the November General Election results. read more

Religious Fervor Portends Huge Black and Brown Voter Turnout in Georgia Senate Run-off

One day before the US Senate run-off in Georgia and the Democrats have the “Big Mo.” Momentum is on their side. In what is expected to be two close races to determine who will represent Georgia in the Senate and which political party will control the upper chamber, turns on which party can generate enough excitement to turn their supporters out. read more

“Come On Georgia” This Hashtag Got My Dandruff Up First Thing in 2021

Quit it! Stop it right now. I can’t bare to read or hear this hashtag one more time. It is denigrating to the southern spirit within me.

I’ve had about all I can take from people who do not live in Georgia using the hashtag “Come on Georgia” about the January 5, 2021 run-off election to fill two open seats in the US Senate. It’s as if the people of Georgia are too dumb to know what’s at stake in next week’s election. read more