Who Is Blacker, Trump Or Clinton?

I’ve  seen a lot of politics in my time. But this week has to take the cake. I’ve never seen two  candidates for the office of president play the “I am blacker than you card.” A summary of the past week comes down to Donald Trump trying to prove to white people that he is blacker than Hillary Clinton. While Clinton puts on a good display of her own to prove that she is indeed blacker than Trump. read more

What Do Black People Really Have To Lose?

What do Black people really have to lose?

This may very well go down in history as the most profound question of the 2016 presidential election cycle, at least as relates to the nation’s darker citizens.

This seemingly simple question has stirred the anger of yet another non-white group, primarily the Black professional class. Black professionals have taken Republican nominee Donald Trump to task for asking the African American community for an opportunity to prove that he could solve many of the economic and crime problems that plague their community. read more

Cam “The Black Man” Newton

Cam “The Black Man” Newton, in case anyone had any doubts, is a Black man. One could say that he is unapologetically a Black man.  Cam Newton was unmistakably a Black manchild, when he played little league baseball out of a DeKalb County, Georgia Park in a prominently Black community.

He was undoubtedly proud to wear the jersey of the Birmingham Black Barons to honor a team of Negro baseball players who played in a segregated league because Major League Baseball owners refused to permit Black baseball players to compete alongside white baseball players. read more

BlackLivesMatter Not Cosby’s Folly

Black Lives Matter, not Cosby’s follies. A few days after Dylann Roof sat in an African Methodist Episcopal Church and gunned down nine African Americans in cold blood, I posited this rhetorical question on my Facebook Timeline:

“How long will it take for black people to become distracted again and what will distract them?” read more

Obama Said “Nigger”

ATLANTA, GA (CASCADE PRESS) President Barack Obama said “Nigger” the other day.

I just be damn.

Like everything he eats, drinks, wears, thinks and does, it is causing quite a controversy.

What’s new about that?

I just be damned.

It is not like the President called anybody a “Nigger.” It is not that he denigrated anyone with the use of the word “Nigger.” He did not use the term to prove he was superior to a so-called “Nigger.” He did not say “Nigger” in such a way that you knew with a degree of specificity that Obama hated “Niggers.” read more

Justice in the Round On Sale

Justice in the Round is on sale! I am so excited. I have to say it again. Justice in the Round is on sale! Indulge me once again: Justice in the Round is on sale! If you don’t believe me, just click the Add To Cart Button to the right of this blog post. Go ahead, do it now, Add To Cart! I’ll be here when you return to finish reading this post. read more