Impact of Trump Pardons on US Justice System

Can the American Criminal Justice System Survive?

President Trump’s recent pardons of individuals involved in the January 6th Capitol riot have sparked significant debate and concern regarding their impact on the American criminal justice system. These pardons, granted to over 1,500 individuals, including those convicted of violent acts against law enforcement, have profound implications for the rule of law and the perception of justice in the United States. read more

Judge Ural Glanville Managing Young Thug RICO Trial on CP Time

Are Glanville’s Military Duties Getting in the Way of Justice

It is well settled in the Black community that Black people operate on a different sense of time. Perhaps it has something to do with our understanding of rhythm. Black people, after all, move and dance in between the beats, while Whites, by and large, roll on the beat. It is often referred to as C. P. T. or Colored People’s Time to explain why Black people tend to arrive late for a gathering. read more

Four Early Take-Aways From The Derek Chauvin Trial

New Time Period Suggests Civil Case Settled Too Soon and For Too Little Money

Four early take-aways are evident after the first three days of testimony in the Derek Chauvin trial for the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

First, there is no doubt that Chauvin used excessive force from the get-go on Memorial Day 2020. After banging on the driver-side door of an SUV driven by Floyd, Chauvin immediately drew his firearm and pointed it at Floyd. The officer’s approach caused Floyd to cringe and beg for his life. He asked Chauvin to not shot him. Floyd never physically attacked Chauvin or any other police officer on the scene. He initially gripped onto the steering wheel of his SUV as he asked the officers why they were bothering him. read more

Restaurant Town Hall Starts Tonight

Carrie L. Williams



Series Explores Justice and Race In America


WHO:  Harold Michael Harvey, author/journalist  read more

Macon Native to Sign Book

Macon Native Harold Michael Harvey to Sign His New Book Justice in the Round At Bethel C. M. E. Church On Father’s Day, June 21, 2015

Bethel C. M. E. Church, Macon, Georgia will host a book signing, following both worship services on Father’s Day, June 21, 2015, for native son Harold Michael Harvey.

His new book Justice in the Round: Essays on the American Jury System, Cascade Publishing House, 2015, tackles justice in America following the George Zimmerman and Michael Dunn jury trials and the grand jury proceedings in Ferguson, Missouri and Staten Island, New York. The church is located at 1668 Pio Nono Avenue.

“One salient fact shapes my frame of reference in these essays: All jurors bring to the jury room their genetics and their sundry environments. By virtue of this fact, we are all subconsciously race-conscious. No one can divorce themselves from their genetic make-up, but we can, if we choose, overcome the environmental conditions that will enable us to be fair to people with different genetics and social standing,” Harvey writes.

The author grew up in Macon’s Unionville community and Bethel C. M. E. Church, where he came under the mentorship of community activist Frank Johnson. He served the church as Assistant Superintendent of the Sunday School and as a member of the Senior Choir, Usher Board and the Steward Board before leaving home to attend law school in the early 1980s.

Harold Michael Harvey is the author of the legal thriller Paper Puzzle. He writes on legal and political issues at He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in political science from Tuskegee University and a Juris Doctorate from Atlanta Law School. He is the winner of the “Outstanding Work in Newspaper Journalism Award” from the National Newspaper Publishers Association (Macon Courier) and has won two semi-monthly Political Pundits Prizes from A former practicing lawyer, Harvey now spends his days reading and writing. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife and vegetable garden. He writes wherever the muse takes him.

Harvey said he is excited that his home church is hosting a book signing for him. “I feel blessed that my home church continues to think highly of the nurturing they poured into me when I was growing up,” Harvey said.

Also, Bethel hosted a book signing for his first book Paper Puzzle.

“I am looking forward to seeing many of my family members from out of town and old high school classmates who are coming back to Macon to worship with us on Sunday. I feel blessed beyond words,” Harvey said.

Justice in the Round On Sale

Justice in the Round is on sale! I am so excited. I have to say it again. Justice in the Round is on sale! Indulge me once again: Justice in the Round is on sale! If you don’t believe me, just click the Add To Cart Button to the right of this blog post. Go ahead, do it now, =&0=&! I’ll be here when you return to finish reading this post.

It is priced right. It sells for $16.99. It is suitable for ages 15 through 103 and beyond. There are only 32,500 words packed onto 165 pages, but the power and impact of those words are priceless. They cannot be measured.

It has been a long time coming. A circuitous path no less. But this day finally arrived.  Many of you know the story, Justice in the Round, was scheduled to go on sale last summer. I had put it to bed so to speak and was preparing the final stages of the publishing process. Then a well established university press heared about my project and expressed an interest in publishing it.

I was smitten by the “grass is greener on the other side” bug. I had thoughts of newfound prestige dancing in my head. Forget the advance, a university press could just be the thing needed to propel my prose to the next level. So I gave it a try.

In the meantime, the violent world of citizen confrontations with the police and their backers rocked on. Young men continued to die in the streets of America senselessly. I could not wait. Simply could not sit on the sidelines a second more, no; not while my youthful teammates are gunned down in the middle of the street and on the sidewalk in broad daylight. And nothing is done. No justice in the streets of America.

I took my dilemma to God in prayer. For a while it seem that either I was not clear in what I was seeking or the Great Spirit was not listening. Suddenly, my dungeon shook. The mental fog was lifted. Prestige be danged. The word must be delivered. It must be delivered now. “God knows,” as Stevie Wonder sang, “exactly where He wanted you to be placed.”

Read up! My name is Justice-Justice in the round.


Harold Michael Harvey, JD, is the author of the legal thriller “Paper Puzzle,” and “Justice in the Round: Essays on the American Jury System,” available at Amazon and at He can be contacted at [email protected]

Book Release Date Set

Book Release date set for Justice In The Round. I am not sure if this news excites you, but we are bouncing off the ceiling. We are delighted to finally have a book release date set for Justice In The Round. It has been a long time coming. The book release date is set for April 19, 2015.

Justice In The Round was inspired by the jury verdicts in the George Zimmerman and Michael Dunn trials. It makes the case for reparatory justice in order to repair injustices caused by the racial dichotomies inherent in American jury deliberations.

The Cascade Publishing House, initially scheduled the release date for Independence Day last year. However, in late June, we entered into negotiations with a leading university press for the rights to publish it.

The negotiations have been slow. It is difficult to give up too much editorial control over certain substantive matters that are of extreme importance to our community.

Much has happen in our criminal justice system since the original manuscript was put to bed awaiting it publication date. In light of the fact, I believe that my voice needs to be heard on these issues. It needs to be heard now. Certainly, it needs to be heard before the situation gets much worse.

Moreover, given the Justice Department’s report on the Ferguson Police Department, that was released today, 3 March 2015, which indicated the department has a pattern of racial bias, it became clear to me, that Justice In The Round, needs to be in the public domain for public discussion.


Therefore, I have decided to forego the prestige that a university press could lend to my work. The book will be released under the Cascade Publishing House banner.

There is one good thing that has come out of this delay. As a result of the extra time, I was able to go back and expand the book to cover the events in Ferguson and Staten Island. In addition to a discussion on the petite or trial jury system, we were able to explore systemic problems inherent in the grand jury system.

If you are concerned about justice in America, then, Justice In The Round, is a must read.


Harold Michael Harvey, JD, is the author of the legal thriller “Paper Puzzle,” available at Amazon and at He can be contacted at [email protected]