Who Is Blacker, Trump Or Clinton?

I’ve  seen a lot of politics in my time. But this week has to take the cake. I’ve never seen two  candidates for the office of president play the “I am blacker than you card.” A summary of the past week comes down to Donald Trump trying to prove to white people that he is blacker than Hillary Clinton. While Clinton puts on a good display of her own to prove that she is indeed blacker than Trump. read more

What Do Black People Really Have To Lose?

What do Black people really have to lose?

This may very well go down in history as the most profound question of the 2016 presidential election cycle, at least as relates to the nation’s darker citizens.

This seemingly simple question has stirred the anger of yet another non-white group, primarily the Black professional class. Black professionals have taken Republican nominee Donald Trump to task for asking the African American community for an opportunity to prove that he could solve many of the economic and crime problems that plague their community. read more

Stein Calls Flood Relief Unfair and Uneven

Jill Stein, following a tour of Denham Springs, Louisiana this week, said she witnessed first hand the unfair and uneven flood relief efforts.

Stein’s remarks were made during a Tuesday, August 23rd press conference at the National Press Club in the District of Columbia.

Denham Springs, Louisiana population of roughly 10,000 people was hit hard by the recent flooding. However, Stein said she did not see any evidence of a recovery effort in the Black section of Denham Springs that she toured. read more

An Explosion of Violence near Tuskegee U

Why is there so much recent violence near the campus of Tuskegee University?

Forty-six years ago today, I set foot on this historic campus in pursuit of a degree in political science. I can’t recall anyone dying from gunshot wounds during my three years on campus. I can’t recall a single student fight. There may have been some down on the football field during pre-season drills, but no altercations between students or between a non-student and a student. read more

Tuskegee Board Should Fire Prez Today!

EDITORIAL, Let me be clear, Tuskegee University’s Board of Trustees should fire President Brian Johnson, today, preferably before the sun goes down, or depending upon where you are in the world, before it comes up.

Over the course of the past several years, I have written a series of news stories about the misadventures of Dr. Brian Johnson’s tenure at the helm of Tuskegee University. Although those stories were factual accounts of events at the university, members of the alumni and some student leaders discounted the factual basis of the articles and treated them as if they were opinion pieces. read more

Jill Stein Modest Income Tax Return

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate has done what Republican Party nominee Donald Trump has not done. She just released her rather modest income tax return for 2015. At least it is modest by the standard of the millionaires and billionaires seeking the office this year.

For instance, Hillary Clinton, Democratic Party nominee released her 2015 returns which she filed jointly with her husband, former President Bill Clinton. It reveals that the Clintons earned $10.6 million last year. For the year 2015, Stein filed a joint return with her husband, Richard J. Rohrer. The couple married in 1981 and have two children. read more

Jill Stein Says Break Up Too Big To Fail Banks

Where does Jill Stein stand on banks being too big to fail?

The Green Party candidate for President of the United States recently released a 14 point bank reform package. In it Stein supports breaking up banks that are too” big to fail.” Stein’s bank reform package is proactive. Her plan would not wait for a bank failure, but calls for the automatic break up of the larger banks. read more

Jill Stein Calls For Tax Cuts For Workers

During election season, a political slogan is  frequently heard:”Tax cuts for the wealthy!”It usually is met with disdain, as one opponent accuses the other of favoring tax breaks for the rich.

This political season, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, has a tax plan that changes that refrain to “tax cuts for the workers!” read more


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