Hurricane Harvey On My Mind

I’ve got Hurricane Harvey on my mind. He is on my mind not so much because this mother of all storms bears my name, but because this is a storm that could have been prevented.

This is a storm like none we have ever seen. It is hard to imagine that Houston and other Texas cities in the path of Hurricane Harvey can come back; and yet we know that the spirit of the American people is unconquerable. Texas will rise up and overcome this flood. read more

No Mention of SCLC At King Statue Unveiling

“SCLC is the only organization that Dr. King ever organized,” bellowed Charles Steele, Jr., President and Chief Executive Office of the International Southern Christian Leadership Conference, to a packed church on the outskirts of Tuscaloosa, Alabama last spring.

In spite of this fact the name of SCLC was not mentioned during an unveiling of a  statue of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the grounds of the Georgia state capitol on the 54th anniversary of his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. read more

Finally, A King, A Native Son,Finds Honor At Home

He was born a King in 1929 and would live a life committed to equality and justice for all humankind. The dash between the starting line and the finishing line ended in 1968. Some would say that was a short dash, but oh boy, did he pack a lot of life in those 39 years.

The King ran his race well. He was, as they said about the baseball legend, LeRoy “Satchel” Paige, “Sneaky fast.” read more

Dick Gregory on Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman and parallels with Atlanta’s Missing and Murdered Children

Editor’s Note: This is a reprint of an exclusive interview with Dick Gregory during a protest march for Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. The article is reprinted from Allvoices, March 2012.

Mounting evidence has begun to disprove the assertions of George Zimmerman in his version of what happened when he fired a handgun into the chest of Trayvon Martin. The shot mortally wounded Martin and speculation abounds over the reason why Zimmerman would shoot an unarmed black teenager. read more

Trump Locked, Loaded and Checkmated

“Locked and loaded!”

The United States of America’s military plans for a confrontation with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is locked and loaded, according to the US president.

This description of the United States’ preparedness was uttered by the American president during a press conference on the opioid addiction that is engulfing his country. Instead of a locked and loaded plan to combat the opioid crisis in America, he took aim at a tiny island that has been in a state of ceasefire with the USA since 1953. read more

If They Come For Kaepernick…

Colin Kaepernick is essentially blackballed from the National Football League. Last season, Kaepernick took a knee during the playing of the National Anthem. He did so to bring awareness to the plight of Black people at the hands of law enforcement officers.

Kaepernick is an accomplished American football quarterback. He has led his team into the Super Bowl. When his $14.5 million contract with the San Francisco 49ers entered an opt out period following the 2016 season, he elected to opt out of this contract. read more

A Load of Nonsense By Any Other name…


“A Load of Nonsense,” that is what the North Korean government’s official position is to the bombastic nonsense spurred out of the mouth of the American President earlier this week.

The Americans under the leadership of their fearless ruler and 45th president threatened to unleash, “Fire and furry, the likes of which the world has never seen,” on the Korean peninsula if the Korean President north of the 38th parallel did not stop actively pursuing a nuclear weapons program that could strike targets in the continental United States. read more

Mueller’s Grand Jury

Bob Mueller, the special prosecutor looking into the Trump organization and possible connections with the Russian government has set up a grand jury in Washington, District of Columbia.

  • This is an interesting development as a grand jury gives Mueller the ability to subpoena witnesses and documents; and if the evidence warrants it, Mueller has a panel of jurors who he can present his evidence for a determination on the ultimate questions: (1) Did the president or members of his campaign commit a crime or crimes in meeting with Russian officials; (2) Did the Trump campaign collude with Russian to tilt the election to Trump; and (3) If Russian interfered in the 2016 general election, what measures can be undertaken to prohibit Russia from interfering in future elections.

It is this third scenario that has been lost in the partisan push back over both the congressional investigations and the special  counsel’s investigation. read more