What to tell the Children About Stormy, Trump, karen et. al.?

I don’t have any young children or grandchildren, so I’m asking for a friend.

What do you tell your children and grandchildren about managing their conduct in social settings in light of the scandalous revelations about the president and the many women who have alleged that they have had unprotected sexual relations with him? read more

The Art of BlackLivesMatter

There is an art to BlackLivesMatter. Anyone who has read my new book, Justice in the Round: Essays on the American Jury System, knows that it is dedicated to eight young black men, whose lives were prematurely interrupted either by vigilante justice or at the hands of the police executioner.

Readers are quick to discern that Justice in the Round is a plea for the survival of black millennials and vicariously the survival of black people in America. As a “Baby Boomer,” I get it that this is a new day and the old stratagems do not fit the complexities of 21st century paradigms. read more