King James Trumps The Loud Mouth Without Trying

Photo by Rex Tavahn on Upsplash

King James trumps the loud mouth in the White House. LeBron James a high school graduate and multi-millionaire proves once again that he is smarter than the loud mouth in the White House. Said loud mouth is purported to have a degree from the Wharton School of Business and to have millions of dollars that no one seems to be able to verify.

One thing for certain, as CNN’s Don Lemon noted, while the loud mouth’s claim to fame is in putting children in cages, King James has added to his fame by putting children into schools with a pledge that any student who finishes his “I Promise You School” will have a full scholarship to Akron University.

While the loud mouth was trying to come up with a response to the backlash from his tweet attempting to question the intelligence of King James, the loud mouth wife asked to be invited to King James school.

The Loud Mouth can’t help but put his foot in his mouth. After all his mouth is wide open each time he spouts some nonsensical bull manure. This time he has a lingering case of diarrhea of the mouth. The people love King James. Especially after James stepped up and addressed the critical need of education in his community.

In opening his school last week, James has gone beyond the call of duty. Essentially, he has taken upon himself to do what the government is charged with doing, but in the presence of a Secretary of Education who lacks the smarts to understand educational policy, is incapable of doing.

Yeah, I’ll say, King James is a pretty smart rich man with a heart for the people.

Don Lemon recently asked James if he would run for president. James begged off the question.

However, after the latest stupidity from the loud mouth, heck, why not. He is much smarter than the empty mouth in the White House and he has a good grasp of the social needs of the citizens of this once great country.

King James 2020 would be just the breath of fresh air the country needs after four years of bombast from the Loud Mouth of Manhattan. 

Long reign King James!

Harold Michael Harvey is an American novelist and essayist. He is a Contributor at The Hill, SCLC National Magazine, Southern Changes Magazine and Black College Nines. He can be contacted at


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Published by Michael

Harold Michael Harvey is a Past President of The Gate City Bar Association and is the recipient of the Association’s R. E. Thomas Civil Rights Award. He is the author of Paper Puzzle and Justice in the Round: Essays on the American Jury System, and a two-time winner of Allvoices’ Political Pundit Prize. His work has appeared in Facing South, The Atlanta Business Journal, The Southern Christian Leadership Conference Magazine, Southern Changes Magazine, Black Colleges Nines, and Medium.

4 replies on “King James Trumps The Loud Mouth Without Trying”

  1. Amen and yes and às̩e̩! While I doubt LeBron James will ever run for president, I have to agree. However, Michael, anybody would be better than what we have in the White House right now. Your toe nail clippings have more brains than 45. Sidebar: those chicken-eating Black preachers that sat around that table with that empty-hearted, sinister “Son of the IT of Camazotz” (you have to be a “Wrinkle in Time’ fan to get this) that sits at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue need to be drawn and quartered in the public square. These pimps with collars would do well to read from the Book of LeBron James instead of from the Book of John Gray. Any Black folks who are church members would do well to demand a bit more from their churches and pastors. What LeBron James did cost around 8 million dollars, and I’m sure as the years go by there will be investments to insure the safety of the scholarships and the school itself. So, since Lear Jets range from $20 to $70 million, I figure many of these pastors and large congregations could have done what LeBron James did several times over. Just some food for thought. Good piece.

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