Photo Credits: The Internet
CASCADE PRESS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Michelle Ford, became the first white woman to speak from the pulpit of a Black Muslim Mosque in the Atlanta area in history. Maybe in any Black Muslim Mosque in America. It is a signal that Minister Louis Farrakhan, the group’s leader is changing and is beginning to embrace all people. The California woman who brought the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. together spoke in Muhammad Mosque Number 15 in Atlanta, Georgia today.
Ford, would have been your typical suburban soccer mom but for the fact that her daughter developed a medical challenge after receiving a childhood inoculation. Ford did not have a clue about why this problem developed, but years later she was interested in having additional children, so she began to read health reports in order to strength her body for child birth.
One day she came across a sentence which said, “Never underestimate the metals in your body.” This lead her down the proverbial “rabbit hole” where she discovered many side effects of the vaccines given to children before they start school. She immediately noticed that her daughter had most of the problems the vaccinations listed as side effects.
This started her on an eleven year journey to research the drugs approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She joined several support groups. Each comprised of 100 percent white middle-class women, many of whom did not have any black friends or any idea what black people thought about anything.
She came across a report from a CDC scientist, William Thompson, who blew the whistle on the organization. Thompson alleges that the CDC’s test results show that black male children are three times more likely to get autism than any other children in the population. Thompson contends that the CDC destroyed the majority of its test results.
Ford knew that members of the black community did not know about this cover up at the CDC. “Somebody had to tell them.” So she called every person whom she had been told was a leader in the black community, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored (NAACP), but none of them returned her telephone call. She contacted every black state legislator in California and the black congress person who represented her district and none of them returned her call. Also, she called the American Civil Liberties Union and did not receive a return call.
She was perplexed, but she does not have a quitter’s bone in her petite frame. One day while leaving a demonstration about the mandatory vaccination law in California, she met another white woman who asked if she had alerted black people about the whistle blower’s report.
After recounting her failed attempts at contacting the black community, the two decided that they needed to “get in touch with the most powerful, the most fearless, the most influential black man in the world.” Her friend thought Minister Farrakhan fit the bill of the person they were seeking. Ford had never heard the name Farrakhan. Institutionally, very little black history is taught in the schools and nothing of Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Neither of the white women had any contacts in the black community, but Ford’s friend had said she “had a black friend” and would see if he could set up a meeting.
A meeting was arranged with Minister Tony Muhammad in Inglewood, California, with the understanding that Ford would bring in her “big guns” and lay out her case for how the CDC was embarked upon a course for the “destruction of black civilization.” Ford did not have any “big guns.” All she had was her research and her truth.
On a leap of faith she reached out to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., someone she had never met, and asked him if he would fly out to Inglewood in a week to meet with representatives of the Nation of Islam. Kennedy agreed. They met with Minister Tony Muhammad and laid out their evidence. When it got too deep for Minister Tony, he excused himself and placed a call to Minister Farrakhan. Farrakhan asked if Kennedy was willing to meet with him. Kennedy said he had come to the meeting hoping that Minister Tony would introduce him to Farrakhan because he believed that “Farrakhan would know what to do with the information.”
The rest as they say is history. Ford told those in the Mosque on Sunday, that away from the spotlight Farrakhan vibrates on a different frequency. “I’m here to tell you,” she implored, “don’t pay attention to what you read in the newspapers, on television, on YouTube. He may have said some things in the 60’s, but that is not who he is anymore.”
At the conclusion of the program, Minister Tony Muhammad opened the doors for new members to join the Nation of Islam, over ten white people in attendance walked down the isles and were given the right hand of fellowship.
Harold Michael Harvey is an American novelist and essayist, the author of Paper puzzle and Justice in the Round. He can be contacted at haroldmichaelharvey.com.
Dear Harold,
Thank you for writing abut this incredible opportunity. It was my honor to speak before those in attendance at the Interfaith Prayer Services we had at Muhammad Mosque #15 in Atlanta yesterday. From the moment I arrived in the parking lot until the moment I left for the airport, I was treated with the utmost respect and dignity. Your congregation welcomed me with open arms even before they knew who I was or what I was doing there. I didn’t know Minister Tony was going to invite me to share my story from the pulpit, but I was moved by the attention and the love that I felt the whole time.
Thank you for chronicling the events in your write-up and for truth-in-media (I’m not used to that quite frankly…misrepresentation is something I encounter regularly). In all fairness, I don’t believe that the CDC set-out initially to destroy the black civilization in particular, but the fact that they KNEW IN 2004 and ever since, that black baby boys are at a particular disadvantage (based-on Thompson’s allegations/admissions), and chose not to implement a new/improved protocol for them is clear obfuscation and could easily be interpreted as an attempt or an intent to harm. The increased rate at which black baby boys are adversely affected by their vaccines is certainly something we should all be concerned about. These innocent lives deserve love and protection and I intend to continue to share the truth about this issue as a commitment to spare more lives from harm.
You’ve got a friend in me. Thank you again for writing this great article!
Yours in gratitude, truth and unity,
Dear Michelle,
I too was struck by the cordiality that greeted me at Muhammad’s Mosque Number 15. Like you it was my first visit there in spite of the fact I live nearby. I’m a Methodist by birth.
You gave a riveting speech. I hope I did justice to your story.
Minister Farrakhan is right: “You are a warrior.”
Thank you for this post, it’s nice to see truth & facts represented. I was sadly disappointed that the media has not reported this truthfully. I had also have only heard negativity associated with Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. I’m actually a little mad at myself for being naive and believing what I now believe are lies about both of them. I’m so grateful that he stepped up when other leader have let us down.
Thank you for reading my report. I am a bit surprised that the Atlanta media did not cover this event. Subscribe to my blog as I will file additional reports as events unfold.
I was shocked today when I went to get a link to put on here for you that the video has been removed and we no longer have access to it. Many may have missed this but a while back there was an interesting story called “Mayo clinic Discovers African-Americans Respond Better to Rubella Vaccine”. While the title and written article put a positive spin on the entire idea that African -Americans’ response to vaccines is twice as strong as they are in Caucasians, the video interview put a slightly different spin on it. The scientist was in fact somewhat concerned about this and thought that with this knowledge perhaps vaccines should be manufactured differently for African Americans such as 1/2 strength or 1/2 the amount of vaccine. Interesting that the Somali community was included in the study and showed an even stronger response than African Americans who had generational history in the U.S. For those who may not know, I believe the Autism rate in the Somali communities is around 1 in 20 children. Even higher for boys. Perhaps that is why the video is no longer available. The scientist reporting seems completely unaware of the possible correlation but others realized the implications of making this information public and now the video is simply unavailable on youtube or the many other links that used to exist, including the Mayo Clinic sight itself.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC4eyi8h1UA http://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-discovers-african-americans-respond-better-to-rubella-vaccine Every single link now says “This video no longer available.”
Thanks for sharing this vital information.
Sadly Kendra, evil forces are at work to eliminate our right to the freedom of information. This is no surprise. I regularly “screenshot” information because I understand it disappears. Such a sad state of affairs when the people are left in the dark. The name of the scientist who shared your statement is Dr Greg Poland. He appears to be a warrior of truth but powers that be are keeping us from knowing his truth.
We are engaged in a war for truth and justice. The opposition does not and will not fight fair. Stay on the case ladies.
The mayo clinic link is working fine and the article is still there. The YouTube video, however, has been removed. Let’s hurry and print it before it’s gone!
Yes,the white woman told the Truth/that why NOI accepted her presence(Plain simple truth regardless of race,creed,color(The God we pray to have a white mother;this is public knowledge since 1931-35 to 2016/:/ Blame is only on Satanic White Leadership who continue to promote “Free Labor” Exploitation on the earth ///The Final Call have a end and it call “Farrakhan”!!!!