Join me tonight, March 1, 2015, as I appear as a guest on a talk radio show hosted by BMichelle. The talk radio show is titled Live. It will focus on Raising the Mandingo Man Child. Tonight’s show is the second installment in this series and specifically deals with relationships between mothers and their sons. The host of the talk radio show is BMichelle. She is the author of two inspirational books, Shades of Mandigo and LISTEN.
I have been asked to explore three things women should do to raise stable, positive, productive and contributing black men. Also, my segment will discuss things that a black woman just cannot teach her son and the reasons for this dilemma.
This talk radio show appearance begins at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and ends around 8:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. There will be other guests who will continue the discussion until 9:00 p.m.
Appearing with me on this talk radio show will be James Horton, curator of the Sights & Sounds Black Cultural Expo Museum. The museum just finished up a successful run at the North Dekalb Mall, where over 10,000 persons visited the museum for the mall’s observance of Black History Month.
I am excited to be asked to appear on this talk radio show to discuss a topic that is important to our community. As fate would have it, I raised only one son. On the other hand, James Horton has raised three sons. I believe the approach that both of us bring to the parenting process will be enlightening and entertaining.
The show will be broadcast live on the and at The show has a call in number, 661-467-2407, and encourages listeners to call in and add to the discussion. I look forward to tonight’s discussion and would like to invite all of my friends on social media around the world to join us and to call into the show to chat with us on this very important topic.
Harold Michael Harvey, JD, is the author of the legal thriller “Paper Puzzle,” available at Amazon and at He can be contacted at