Mistrust Highlights Vaccine Town Hall


Mistrust of pharmaceutical companies and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was the key sentiment expressed at Saturday’s CDC Vaccine Justice or Else Town Hall in Atlanta. The Town Hall was a collaborative effort between several vaccine free organizations, that have for years urged more accountability from the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry over disclosing what ingredients are in various vaccines approved for use in children, and by the Nation of Islam, who joined the effort last year. read more

Atlanta Site of Vaccine Justice Rally

Groups from throughout the nation fighting for “vaccine justice or else” will hold a town hall meeting in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday, March 12, 2016. The Town Hall will be held at the Atlanta Technical College, on Metropolitan Parkway in the auditorium of Building C. The four and a half hour town hall on vaccine justice will start at 1:30 pm. read more

Farrakhan Confronts CDC

Minister Louis Farrakhan, Messenger of the Nation of Islam, is confronting the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia over its approval of vaccines that some say are harmful to children in general and black children in particular.

Libertarian Americans have long sort to hold the CDC responsible for the increase of Autism in children who have been vaccinated with the CDC approved Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR). read more