Cascade Publishing House Release 2020 Book List

“We are pleased to release our 2020 book list,” Cyn Harvey, President of Cascade Publishing House recently announced.

Cascade Publishing House is a small independent book publisher that was organized ten years ago for authors who could benefit by being in a small publishing house.

According to Harvey, the list is as follows: read more

Harvey to Address Abbott Race and Unity Institute

Harold Michael Harvey, author of Paper Puzzle and Justice in the Round, will discuss race relations at the Third Annual membership Anniversary of the Robert S. Abbott Race and Unity Institute.

The gathering will take place on St. Simon Island, Georgia, on May 5, 2019, at 2 am.

Abbott, a native of Brunswick, Georgia, founded The Chicago Defender on May 5, 1905. In the early 20th century, The Defender was the most significant Black-owned newspaper in the nations.

Harvey’s task is to compare Abbott’s career as a lawyer and publisher with his career as a lawyer and publisher.

After moving to Chicago, Abbott completed his secondary education and obtained his law degree.

Abbott practiced law for a short time before deciding that he could better serve the Black community by reporting on injustice in society.

While Harvey worked as a journalist before practicing law, he practiced for two decades, then turned full time to the pen as his weapon to shine a light on injustice.

Harvey’s memoir Freaknik Lawyer: A Memoir on the Craft of Resistance, is due out in the fall.

Hitting Our Stride At Cascade Publishing House

It is hard to imagine it. The calendar says that Cascade Publishing House has been six years in the world of publishing. We are finally hitting our stride. The idea for Cascade Publishing House came about after I had a bad experience in the traditional world of book publishers.

In late 2009, I signed a publishing contract with a Baltimore Publishing House. It had the indicia of a real publishing house. After receiving a small advance, my manuscript, Paper Puzzle was on its way to becoming a published work of fiction.

I was excited when the galleries came in the mail. My lifelong dream to see a murder mystery that I had begun in the late 1970s was about to become reality.

What I did not realize is that no one at the the big time publishing house was willing to work as hard as I to produce a quality book that would not be a public embarrassment.

This publisher did not care about my ideas for marketing this work. They had their own scheme to get the money they had forked out for this book and were not willing to consider any input that I had on the subject. I had a vested interest in the book, as I stood to profit in proportion to how well it did.

Throughout much of 2010, I attempted to work with this publisher, but seemed to be hitting my head repeatedly upside a brick wall. In the spring of 2011, I decided to attend Book Expo America in New York and meet with my publisher. I came demanding answers.

When the representatives showed little interest in my concerns, I left them with a little piece of my mind. I walked out of the  Jacob Javits Center determined to establish a publishing house that would service writers like myself who could benefit from a small publishing house experience.

After researching the industry, I rolled up my sleeves, negotiated myself out of the agreement I had with the first publisher, set up the Cascade Publishing House and republished Paper Puzzle under its masthead.

Paper Puzzle did well. So well, that I put off writing another book for several years, then in 2015 we published Justice in the Round:Essays on the American Jury System. This book continues to bring a modest profit into Cascade Publishing House.

In 2016 we were ready to offer our publishing services to other writers and agreed to publish a book by Dr. Charles Steele, Jr., President and CEO of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference titled, Easier to Obtain than to Maintain: The Globalization of the Civil Rights Movement.

In 2017, we followed the publication of Dr. Steele’s book with a book on relationships by Rodney Battle titled, Old Habits-News Habits: Love and Relationships.

Also, this summer Cascade Publishing House will release two books. The first one is written by Ruby J. Simon about a little known black community in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. It will bear the title, Big Bend: Where the Tide Rolls Around Tuscaloosa.

The other offering is a spiritual inspirational book by Valinda Johnson titled, Thus Far the Lord Has Been With Us.

All four of them Steele, Battle, Simon and Johnson are new authors. Their works are important contributions to the history and culture of our nation and would have found their way into publication without the assistance of Cascade Publishing House, but I dare say, the journey would not have been as sweet and as stress free as the roadmap we laid out for them.

We are currently negotiating to write and publish Dr. Steele’s memories which are expected to be published in 2018.

Additionally, we have been approached to write a screenplay on a historic moment in the history of the National Football League, which because of the nature of the event, will never be matched.

After six years in the trenches we are hitting our stride  We are here to help you get that story out of your head, into your computer, into print and ultimately into the hands of your readers.


Harold Michael Harvey is an American novelist and essayist, the author of Paper puzzle and Justice in the Round, edited Easier to obtain Than to Maintain: The Globalization of Civil Rights by Charles Steele, Jr.; and the host of Beyond the Law with Harold Michael Harvey. He can be contacted at





Meet The Editorial Board At Cascade Publishing

Cascade Publishing House is pleased to introduce its editorial board. We are a three person board. In addition to this writer, the members of the editorial board are Cynthia M. Harvey and Patricia Marsh. You can say that Cascade Publishing House is a family affair. Cynthia and I have been married for 35 years and Patricia has been married to Cynthia’s brother for the past 37 years.

When a book proposal comes in we run the proposal through the group. First, the manuscript is read by me. It is then discussed with the two other editors.

Once it has been determined that it is a book project that we would like to see materialize, the manuscript undergoes a thorough review and edits by this writer.

It is then passed along to Senior Editor Cynthia M. Harvey, where it undergoes another round of edits. Cynthia has a keen sense for the right word. She is a wordsmith’s wordsmith and the editorial board relies upon her to strengthen the text of the manuscript that we are determined to turn into a published work of art. Cynthia comes to the publishing business after a career in broadcast journalism and public relations.  She earned degrees from Spelman College and The Columbia School of Broadcast.

After Cynthia has gone over my suggested edits and added her on suggestions, the manuscript comes back to me for more polishing. I then pass the manuscript on to Patricia. Her strength is in shoring up sentence structure. Additionally, Patricia serves as our fact checker. We want to make sure that the information given to the reader is factual and accurate. Patricia is a retired school teacher. She taught in the Dalton Public Schools system for 30 years. Patricia earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Akron, a Masters of Education degree from the University of West Georgia and the degree of Educational Specialist from Valdosta State University.

When I get the manuscript back from Patricia, I will make additional edits, then hand it off to Cynthia. She will review the suggested edits from Patrica and myself and add any additional edits she may have.

Following, Cynthia’s second round of edits, the manuscript comes back to me for the final edits. We then read the manuscript one more time before submitting it to the client for final approval. Once we get the go ahead, we send the manuscript out to our readers, Terry Wiggins and Rutha De Jesus to see if the manuscript hits the mark. After we receive their input, we ship the manuscript off to the printer. Usually, within two weeks our client is holding their masterpiece in their hands.

Harold Michael Harvey is an American novelist and essayist, the author of Paper puzzle and Justice in the Round, Easier to obtain Than to Maintain: The Globalization of Civil Rights by Charles Steele, Jr.; and the host of Beyond the Law with Harold Michael Harvey. He can be contacted at

Cascade Publishing House, Now A Home For New Writers

At Cascade Publishing House, we are in the business of writing and publishing. We cater to the first time author, who always wanted to write a book, but did not know how to get into print with a professional high quality book.

At Cascade Publishing House, we pride ourselves on making dreams come true, expertly and professionally. You can trust your manuscript to us. We will read it with care, listening for your voice and will help you bring that voice to your audience.

Initially, Cascade Publishing House was intended to be the vehicle that published my literary works. In 2010 we published my legal thriller Paper Puzzle and in 2015 we published a nonfiction book, Justice in the Round, which was inspired by the turmoil in the streets of America as a result of unarmed Black men and women being gunned down by police officers.

Last year, December 2016, Cascade Publishing House, published Easier to Obtain than to Maintain, by Charles Steele, Jr. In this book Steele, the President and Chief Executive Office of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference lay out his plan for the globalization of civil rights.

In April 2017, we will release an inspirational book by a first time author, Rodney Battle, entitled Life and Relationships: Something to Think About. In it Mr. Battle gives his readers a lot to think about when it comes to forming intimate relationships. Mr. Battle had wanted to be a writer since the early 1980s when he was in junior high school. Next month he will get to hold his book in his hands and go on speaking tours inspiring people to have better relations.

Later this year we will release an inspirational book on faith by Valinda Johnson, a native of Montgomery, Alabama. Mrs. Johnson’s book will explore what it means to live a meaningful life centered on faith.

Also, slated for release in 2017 is Big Bend: Where the Tide Bends around Tuscaloosa by Ruby Simon. Mrs. Simon is a native of Tuscaloosa, Alabama and has penned a wonderful book on the rich cultural history of the Big Bend community, which is one of the Black sections of Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

I hope you will join us in supporting these new authors who are redefining what it means to live in America in the 21st century. Also, we at Cascade Publishing House, welcome a chance to turn your dream manuscript into reality.

Harold Michael Harvey is an American novelist and essayist, the author of Paper puzzle and Justice in the Round, Easier to obtain Than to Maintain: The Globalization of Civil Rights by Charles Steele, Jr.; and the host of Beyond the Law with Harold Michael Harvey. He can be contacted at

New Book by Rodney Battle

We are pleased to announce a new book on relationships has been acquired by Cascade Publishing House. The author is Rodney Battle. The working title is “The Battle Line: Boy meets Girl or Vice Versa.” The Battle Line is sure to bring a fun hip-hop approach to meeting and greeting that special someone. The Battle Line is expected to be published in time for the holiday season.

Rodney Battle is an up and coming writer. He lives in Montgomery, Alabama and earned a degree in Psychology from Alabama State University.

Battle came to the attention of the Cascade Publishing House by way of his  provocative and racy posts about relationships on Facebook. He is an inspiration to a growing group of men and women who are out to sharpen their relationship skills.

Here is a snippet of what readers can expect from Rodney Battle:

“LADIES: Once a MAN feels like he “HAS YOU” he then begin to TEST you! He wanna see what all you are willing to put up with…, ladies to avoid all the BS you gotta be sure to ESTABLISH that ZERO TOLERANCE policy in the BEGINNING! Men VICE VERSA. It makes for a beautiful relationship.”

“Rodney Battle is an up and coming writer,” Cynthia Harvey, Media Relations spokesperson for Cascade Publishing House said. “We look forward to working with him.”

Battle came to the attention of Cascade Publishing House from the hilarious posts he makes on Facebook. “He is a real social media guru,” Harvey said.

The human in Battle’s work is unique and touch a nerve with many of his social media connections.

“We look forward to working with Mr. Battle in the editing process, she said.

This could be an interesting process because Mr. Battle tells it like it is in a boy meets girl relationship.

Mr. Battle’s book is expected out in time for Valentine.