Atlanta Re-opens the 1970s Missing and Murder Children Cases

Over 40 years ago, the city of Atlanta, Georgia closed the books on the “missing and murdered” children cases. From about 1977 through 1981, 28 Black children and young adults disappeared from Atlanta streets in an impoverished section of the city.

These youngsters, both male, and female were never again seen alive. Fear gripped Blacks in the city “too busy to hate.” The law enforcement authorities and the mainstream media was slow to recognize there was a mass murderer afoot in Atlanta. read more

Mueller Clears Trump of Collusion-But Not Obstruction

Special Counsel Robert Mueller after a 22-month long investigation clears President Donald J. Trump of collusion with the Russians to influence the 2016 Presidential election.

Mueller’s delivered his confidential report to Attorney General William Barr as required by law over the weekend. Then, Barr issued a four-page letter to leaders of the Senate and the House. read more

Now They Have Come for the Muslims

Now the white supremacists have come for the Muslims. They first came for Black Christians during a Wednesday night prayer meeting in a church in Charleston, South Carolina, next they came for a group of Gays partying in a night club in Orlando, Florida, then a group of Jews in a Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and now, Muslims in a Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. read more