It’s Cheaper to Ban AR-15 Than Pay Teachers to Carry A Gun

Ban the AR-15 and take the pressure away from students to have to defend themselves as depicting in this active shooter drill. Photo from the Internet

The President says he would like to pay a supplement to about 20 percent of the nation’s school teachers who would be willing to conceal carry in the classroom. Yet it is much cheaper to ban the AR-15 than to supplement teachers salaries.

Although, the President pronounces giving extra incentive to teachers who would be willing to engage a shooter armed with an AR-15, without batting an eye, he does not say how this program will be paid. The words just rolls out of his mouth.

But money, especially other people’s money, has never been a problem for this President. In January he gave a huge tax cut to the wealthiest Americans. Then outdid himself in February when his cohorts in the congress handed him a budget in the trillion of dollars range to sign . This budget drove up the deficit to unimaginable levels.

This begs the question: Where on earth or in the American budget will the money come from to pay hundreds of millions to arm and train essentially paratroopers to teach in the public school systems throughout the country?

This idea is ludicrous. It is a fiscally bankrupt notion. In short, it is down right nuts.

How much would it cost to ban assault weapons?

You guessed it, probably nothing.

There would be no cost to pass legislation that outlawed the sell and possession of an assault weapon that was purchased after the effective date of the enactment of the banned assault weapon law.

A ban of assault weapons would drastically reduce the number of fatalities in schools and other public venues where mass murderers have preyed.

Such a ban may even lessen the changes that new acts of public gun violence would occur in the future because the sheer destructive capability of the AR-15 seems to embolden mass shooters to apply their trade.

If you take this weapon away, we may also see a corresponding decrease in cowardly courage to attack unsuspecting victims in schools, movie theaters, entertainment events and churches.

It is far, far cheaper to ban the AR-15 and bump stocks which are most often used in these mass killings than to supplement teacher salaries to perform a non educational function.

I’m all in favor of the President providing a federal supplement to all teachers in the country, God knows they need it, while at the same time banning assault weapons and bump stocks, God knows this as well.

Additionally, banning assault weapons, heavy capacity magazines and bump stocks will have the added effect of protecting innocence students in our schools, as well as, innocence people in other public venues.

It is cheaper to ban this weapon which emboldens cowardly minded men to assault innocence men, women and children over whom they have a decided advantage; then our teachers can remain focused upon the education of our children.

It’s so simple, I don’t know why the genius in the White House has not thought of it by now.


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Published by Michael

Harold Michael Harvey is a Past President of The Gate City Bar Association and is the recipient of the Association’s R. E. Thomas Civil Rights Award. He is the author of Paper Puzzle and Justice in the Round: Essays on the American Jury System, and a two-time winner of Allvoices’ Political Pundit Prize. His work has appeared in Facing South, The Atlanta Business Journal, The Southern Christian Leadership Conference Magazine, Southern Changes Magazine, Black Colleges Nines, and Medium.

4 replies on “It’s Cheaper to Ban AR-15 Than Pay Teachers to Carry A Gun”

  1. Of course this whole idea is nuts arming teachers. They have not thought this whole thing out yet. First stop the guns from coming into the country. All of this could have been stopped with a mental health evaluation. This person should have been hospitalized because the signs were there. Why are people so afraid of dealing with the brain. It get sick just like the rest of the body. It is only another organ of the body.

  2. Assault guns are weapons of terror and destruction of bodies seen and heard by the shooter. It is silly sally reasoning that a well aimed pistol user can eliminate either. The school security officer who failed to enter the building is an example of what happens when friend or foe hears burp, burp, burp of automatic weapons: hit the ground, throw a grenade and return fire if you can. Expecting teachers to undergo such military combat drills or this is not a drill warnings is silly sally stuff.

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