NRA Crying Like A Baby Time To Keep the Pressure Up

You gotta be kidding me. The NRA crying like a baby?

Yes, the NRA is crying foul over the loss of  discounts offered to its members from several fortune five hundred  companies.

The discontinuation of corporate discounts to NRA members comes in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Massacre this month. read more

It’s Cheaper to Ban AR-15 Than Pay Teachers to Carry A Gun

The President says he would like to pay a supplement to about 20 percent of the nation’s school teachers who would be willing to conceal carry in the classroom. Yet it is much cheaper to ban the AR-15 than to supplement teachers salaries.

Although, the President pronounces giving extra incentive to teachers who would be willing to engage a shooter armed with an AR-15, without batting an eye, he does not say how this program will be paid. The words just rolls out of his mouth. read more

The Second Amendment Villain

EDITOR’S NOTE: “The Second Amendment Villain” was originally published on December 9, 2012 in Allvoice.Com. It was subtitled “From Kennedy to Sandy Hook.” In light of last week’s shooting rampage on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Rosebud, Oregon, I thought it appropriate to republish this perspective of gun violence in America. read more