What Is The Problem at CDC?

What has Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. up in arms at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta? What is the problem at CDC? Several hundred activists from around the country have descended upon Atlanta this week like General Sherman marching down Clifton Road. They are demanding more accountability from the CDC. Many of them could be heard calling the medical professionals at the CDC liars, during a demonstration in front of the CDC on Friday, October 23. So what is the problem at CDC? read more

Farrakhan Impacts CDC Protest

ATLANTA, GEORGIA, CASCADE PRESS, Nation of Islam Messenger, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan is impacting today’s protest in front of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta.

A strong contingent of Farrakhan’s members joined groups protesting in front of the CDC this morning around 7:00 am. The protest is slated to run until 2 pm. read more