Justice in the Round is on sale! I am so excited. I have to say it again. Justice in the Round is on sale! Indulge me once again: Justice in the Round is on sale! If you don’t believe me, just click the Add To Cart Button to the right of this blog post. Go ahead, do it now, Add To Cart! I’ll be here when you return to finish reading this post.
It is priced right. It sells for $16.99. It is suitable for ages 15 through 103 and beyond. There are only 32,500 words packed onto 165 pages, but the power and impact of those words are priceless. They cannot be measured.
It has been a long time coming. A circuitous path no less. But this day finally arrived. Many of you know the story, Justice in the Round, was scheduled to go on sale last summer. I had put it to bed so to speak and was preparing the final stages of the publishing process. Then a well established university press heared about my project and expressed an interest in publishing it.
I was smitten by the “grass is greener on the other side” bug. I had thoughts of newfound prestige dancing in my head. Forget the advance, a university press could just be the thing needed to propel my prose to the next level. So I gave it a try.
In the meantime, the violent world of citizen confrontations with the police and their backers rocked on. Young men continued to die in the streets of America senselessly. I could not wait. Simply could not sit on the sidelines a second more, no; not while my youthful teammates are gunned down in the middle of the street and on the sidewalk in broad daylight. And nothing is done. No justice in the streets of America.
I took my dilemma to God in prayer. For a while it seem that either I was not clear in what I was seeking or the Great Spirit was not listening. Suddenly, my dungeon shook. The mental fog was lifted. Prestige be danged. The word must be delivered. It must be delivered now. “God knows,” as Stevie Wonder sang, “exactly where He wanted you to be placed.”
Read up! My name is Justice-Justice in the round.
Harold Michael Harvey, JD, is the author of the legal thriller “Paper Puzzle,” and “Justice in the Round: Essays on the American Jury System,” available at Amazon and at haroldmichaelharvey.com. He can be contacted at [email protected]