Jury Duty is Essential to Justice

Jury duty is essential to obtaining justice in the round, which is the title of my latest book on the American jury system (Justice in the Round: Essays on the American Jury System, Cascade Publishing House, 2015). In it I opined that the criminal justice system does not work if good people do not show up for jury duty when summoned to put their lives on hold for however long it takes to settle a dispute between their neighbors. read more

Time For New Policing Protocols?

Is it time for new policing protocols?

Statically, we are told that every 28 hours a citizen of the United States of America is killed by a law enforcement official.

It seems to me  more like every 24 hours. It seems that each morning I arise, the news  sources I subscribe to are broadcasting another violent citizen confrontation with an American police agency. At the rate these violent confrontations are unfolding we will be up to two a day before long. read more