Cascade Publishing House (CPH) is pleased to release the speaking appearances of its founder and publisher, Harold Michael Harvey, during the 2020 Black History Month observance. The theme of this year’s celebration is 2020 African Americans and the Vote.
On February 1, 2020, Harvey will be honored by the Tuskegee University Baseball team as the team pays tribute to 29 former Tuskegee University baseball players during the team’s Black History Month observance.
Harvey played all three outfield positions on the 1972 and 1973 teams. Both teams participated in post-season NCAA play with the 1973 team winning the SIAC Championship. Also, the 1973 team won the only All-Star game hosted by the SIAC. They defeated the conference All-Stars 2-1. Harvey scored the winning run and made the last defensive put out to seal the Tuskegee victory.
On February 5 and 6, Harvey will deliver a series of three lectures at Clark-Atlanta University. He will serve as guest lecturer before journalism students.
According to Maynard Eaton, Harvey will lecture Eaton’s journalism students on his “writing career with special emphasis on the importance of good writing and storytelling in crafting a career in journalism.”
On February 16, Harvey will take to the pulpit at Jones Tabernacle Christian Methodist Church in Macon, Georgia, during the eleven o’clock hour and address the theme: 2020 African Americans and the vote.
On February 20, Harvey is the featured author at the Washington Memorial Library in his hometown of Macon, Georgia. He will read from his book Freaknik Lawyer: A Memoir on the Craft of Resistance and will talk about the forces in Macon, Georgia, that shaped his career as a trial lawyer and writer.
On February 22, Harvey will participate in the rededication of James Washington Baseball Field at Tuskegee University. The school has not played baseball on campus in ten years, but under the leadership of Head Baseball Coach Reginald Hollins, a renovation effort was undertaken to restore the field and bring baseball back to the campus.
Also, during February, Harvey is featured in a video about the historical importance of Washington Field and the importance of playing baseball before the campus community.
Harold Michael Harvey is the author of Freaknik Lawyer: A Memoir on the Craft of Resistance. He is a Past President of the Gate City Bar Association. He is the recipient of Gate City’s R. E. Thomas Civil Rights Award, which he received for his pro bono representation of Black college students arrested during Freaknik celebrations in the mid to late 1990s. An avid public speaker contact him at [email protected].