Did GA Parole Board Deny Williams Base On Unsolved Atlanta Missing and Murdered Children Cases?

Wayne Williams never stood trial for the murder of 20 Black adolescence who went missing and murdered in Atlanta, Georgia, between 1979 and 1981. No person has ever been tried for the most massive serial killings to occur in Atlanta in history. The wheels of justice in 1982, based on the personal belief of the prosecutor, made sure the State of Georgia would never have to prove their prime suspect was guilty of the murder of these Black children. read more

The Orgasmic Presidency of Don "Juan" Trump

You expect lewd and lascivious acts from Donald J. Trump, and you usually get them. When you think that Trump has fallen below the lowest common denominator, out of thin air comes the point you feel cannot be matched, even by Trump himself.

At a weekend campaign rally in October with a few thousand of his cultlike followers, Trump stooped to perhaps his lowest level. Lower even than his crude, crusty talk about grabbing women in their panties, “cause they like you to do it.” Smaller than mocking a reporter with Down Syndrome, lower than whining about John McCain, while McCain laid in state in the Rotunda, lower than separating children from their parents and locking them up in cages, more denigrating than anything he has ever done before this weekend. read more

Dems Fail, Trump Wins 2020 Re-election

Trump repeats.

It’s November 3, 2020, and yes, you read the headline on your social media feed right. Donald J. Trump did it again.

He won re-election for President. Just four years ago, he stunned the political world, winning the American Presidency over former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was perhaps the most qualified person and the first woman nominee of a major political party ever to seek the office of President. read more