School Integrators Unsung Heroes No More, of Sorts

One year ago, this month, three of my high school friends, and I decided it was time to come from the shadows and discuss our role in integrating the Lanier Jr. High School for Boys in Macon, Georgia, during the 1965-66 school year. Our feat had gone unnoted then, and mostly unnoticed in the intervening 55 years. read more

Unsung School Integrators Symposium

Kindly click the link to an invitation to a discussion with several students who integrated Lanier Jr. High School for Boys in Macon, Georgia in 1965. They will discuss how their experiences impacted the fulfillment of the Brown v. Topeka Board of Education case.

The Symposium takes place Saturday, October 19, 2019, at the Tubman African American Museum beginning at 10:00 am until noon. read more

Joshua Brown’s Murder Spin Maybe Adding Up to Fake News?

How does a young man go from being a scared, sacred, and shy witness against a police officer one week and a bold, brutal, and brazen marijuana dealer the next week?

How many pot distribution centers did the men from Alexandria, Louisiana drive pass on their way to Dallas, Texas?

How could there have been a gun battle which killed one person and severely injured another one, and there is not one media report over the weekend of gun-battle injuries related to the death of Joshua Brown? read more

Finding A Diamond in the Rough at HBCU Baseball Showcase

“Chip” Lawrence, National Cross-Checker for the San Diego Padres, hung up his baseball cleats 20 years ago after a career in minor league baseball and began scouting professionally. Like any red-blooded American baseball player, he knew he wanted to stay in the game beyond his playing days and help other youngsters find success in college and possibly a career in baseball. read more

Unheralded Integrators to Discuss School Integration

               On September 6, 1965, thirteen Black students stepped onto the campus of Lanier Jr. High School for Boys in Macon, Georgia to begin the 1965-66 school year. The school built in 1948 for the education of white boys braced itself for a historical moment. The thirteen youngsters were the first of their race to enroll in this junior high school. Across Bibb County that morning over 240 Black students attended classes for the first time with white students. read more