Tag: John Lewis

Sanders Vows To Win Georgia

By Michael February 17, 2016 Off


Bernie Sanders vows to win the Georgia Presidential Preference Primary which will be held on March 1. Sanders made his pledge to win in Georgia during a campaign stop on his Historical Black College and Universities (HBCU) Tour on Tuesday at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. read more

I Am Not Saying Lewis is a Sellout

By Michael February 12, 2016 Off

I am not saying that John Lewis is a sellout, or that John Lewis is an Uncle Tom for “dropping the mic” on Bernie Sanders. Neither am I suggesting that Lewis is a liar as some have strongly intimated over recent comments he has made in support of the Clinton’s involvement in the civil rights movement during the 1960s. However, I do believe that John Lewis does not get to define who was or was not an active participant in the civil rights movement. read more

It Won’t Stop Racists From Hating

By Michael July 10, 2015 Off

It won’t stop racists from hating. I am sure we all can agree the removal of the Confederate flag from the grounds of the state capitol in South Carolina will not, as Nikki Giovanni rapped in the 1960s, “stop chickens from laying eggs or Crackers from hating.”

However, it will usher in a new day in 20 years, when babies born today, will have reached adulthood, without a daily reminder of a painful period in southern history. read more