Jill Stein has”One Upped” Vermont Senator and Democratic candidate for president Bernie Sanders. Stein, the presumptive Green Party nominee for President has gone one better in addressing the tremendous debt college graduates have after completing their education.
Stein sensing that voters under the age of 45 will need a place to park their hats in the November General Election, has pledged to make “student loan forgiveness” a top priority on her first day in the Oval office should voters select her in November.
Sanders gained traction for his campaign earlier this year by advocating free public college tuition for any high school graduate who desires to further their education. His proposal came under fire from the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who argued that Sanders’ proposal was unrealistic.
Clinton’s supporters seized upon her opposition to Sanders “free public college tuition initiative and framed Sanders as out of touch with reality.
However, Stein believes that offering student loan forgiveness is not only the right thing to do but would also give her an opportunity to attract the throng of young people who made Sanders’ run for the Democratic nomination a competitive possibility. So she “One Upped” Sanders’ proposal.
“If we can bail out the banks who crashed the economy in 2008, we can bail out students who are paying back loans at higher than normal interest rates due to the banks wrecking the economy, Stein told a crowd of over 300 supporters who came out to hear her campaign pitch last week at the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) in Atlanta, Georgia.
Her one upped pronouncement was met enthusiastically with applause.
Stein said that her campaign was hovering around 2 percent in the polls before she tweaked Sanders call for free public college tuition. In two weeks she quickly gained 5 percentage points and now polls at 7 percent. Stein has assurances from CNN that if she polls 15% by time of the first presidential debate, she will be invited to participate.
“The mainstream media is not covering our campaign, but young people know how to communicate by using technology; so I need you all to get the word out to recent college graduates,” Stein exhorted her audience of primarily under 45 year old attendees.
“I can achieve student debt relief by doing a simple act of quantum easing. On day one I will appoint a Chairperson of the Federal Reserve System who will do a little quantative easing,” Stein said.
Sanders has yet to endorse Hillary Clinton or released his supporters so they can get behind another candidate. Jill Stein has “One Upped” Sanders and is seizing the time to make her pitch for his supporters in a big way.
Harold Michael Harvey is an American novelist and essayist, the author of Paper puzzle and Justice in the Round. He can be contacted at haroldmichaelharvey.com.